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Only bidder for a VZ!

northerner - 2012-11-08 05:01

Just bagged an eBay VZ2000 for the grand sum of £30! I was the only bidder


It was cheap because the listing was terrible, the photos really poor, the description vague, the seller only had 10 feedback, but most importantly for me it was collection only and only 40 miles from me and there's pretty much no other collectors around here.  He seems to have had requests to post which resulted in a amendment to the description saying he definitely won't post.


The description says it works but I'm guessing all belts will be shot.  Its also filthy but looks undamaged other missing the insert for the tuning knob and missing a couple of sliders.  If it powers up and radio works then I'll be happy as I need a box to work on as I've got no repairs on at the mo.


All in all I reckoned it was worth a punt as there were so many things to put others off that I'd get it cheap but even I was surprised at £30!!


Have messaged the seller to arrange pick up so we'll see what happens


It was this one:

