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Uk import charges

retrolad - 2012-11-20 16:11

Just checked tracking on various boxes i have arriving and one has been stopped and cleared customs but wont be released for delivery till import charges are payed so ill await my letter  soon of how much they are going to sting me for! Anyone else had this?

nak.d - 2012-11-20 16:29

If you're posting goods to the UK, or ordering them from a non-EU country, you only have to pay Customs Duty above a certain value...and a set additional fee (approx £8) to Parcel Force as it's effectively two deliveries (one to the UK and then on to your delivery address). The defining thing will be the purchase cost (not the total incl P&P) as the fee is a percentage of this. Under a certain amount and they're not interested! I spoke to a women at HMRC who was very helpful. IMO paying VAT on second hand goods most likely from a private seller is dubious but rules are rules That said my Sony personal DAT Walkman was delivered direct from USA to UK without any extra costs, go figure).


Retrolad, are your boxes coming from outside the E.U?

vincent - 2012-11-20 16:32

Aww. That sucks. Hope they get it to you with minimal payment. 

retrolad - 2012-11-20 23:45

Yeah the one thats been stopped is from china and it wasnt a cheap box either + it has loads of spares for some other boxes. I will keep you all updated

stereo.mad - 2012-11-21 05:30

I'm waiting for something from the states, last time I got something from there I had to pay about £35 on goods that was only just over £100, I had to pay it when I picked it up from ass-hole-force!
The item I'm waiting for now is long overdue so let's see what happens!

brutus442 - 2012-11-21 06:18

Originally Posted by stereo mad:
I'm waiting for something from the states, last time I got something from there I had to pay about £35 on goods that was only just over £100, I had to pay it when I picked it up from ass-hole-force!
The item I'm waiting for now is long overdue so let's see what happens!

Never had the UK experience but I did get dinged from the US into Canada, except they delivered it to my door and then made me pay for the duty right on the spot before releasing the package.



litfan - 2012-11-21 12:50

Same here. I`m waiting, for the m90. I can see a big customs bill. Rip off city.

stereo.mad - 2012-11-22 01:28

Ok my new box has just arrived and I had the pleasure of paying £60 import duty! Nice!!
I will do a separate post for that later

davebush - 2012-11-22 12:59

I imported a gf1000 from japan and paid parcel force £122 import duty........


Thanks very much

stereo.mad - 2012-11-22 13:36

Fook Dave I thought I got stung!

litfan - 2012-11-22 13:39

What a rip-off. How does the PO, get away, with charging these ammounts. Mind you, here in the UK, we re used to it. We just, roll over, and, lay down. Not like, you guy`s in the US, or, france, where it`s one man out, everyone out. Here, it`s every man for himself.

retrolad - 2012-11-22 15:24

Well still waiting for my letter 4 days on from it being held at local parcelforce depot going to ring them tomorrow i want my goods hope they dont say 122 quid ill b gutted

retrolad - 2012-11-23 02:00

£79.43 ive been charged however women at depot says i have a claim as value of contents is 100 dollars and declared as a gift she was gobsmacked so customs claim going in she was helpful to say never send original customs form for a refund as it always goes missing so always send a copy

nickfish - 2012-11-23 05:20

It could be worse....


I ordered about £200 worth of 'educational' DVD's from the States several years ago and the thieving sods at Mount Pleasant sorting office in London seized them! I can't imagine what those tossers would want with them. Hang on a mo, i figured it out!


Anyway, that was because I used USPS mail for it. Since then I have only ever used UPS and have never had any charges (or losses) at all. It costs more, but you get your stuff and that is what matters, isn't it? Fed Ex are slap happy when it comes to opportunities to charge VAT and duties but UPS have never done it.

