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Not a boom room or a boom wall, just my boom corner!

northerner - 2012-12-01 15:05

My collection is slowing taking shape, its not a patch on some people's but I'm working on it without spending much money!  Not got enough for a boom room or even a boom wall, but am pretty content with my boom corner


Its a pretty cool room that houses my boxes, some comfy furniture and my 50 inch plasma tv and surround sound...its my little piece of heaven


I decided to rearrange my shelves today so took a few pics













Hope you like it!

deech - 2012-12-01 15:35

I like it a lot!


Very nice place Northerner.

JUst imagine all of those boomers

playing alltogether at once!



soundboy - 2012-12-01 17:01

nice collection but no m90 ? hope for you to find one it will fit in prefectly !

brutus442 - 2012-12-01 17:56

that's a who's who collection of boxes there Northerner. What a display!! How many times are you asked about those vintage boxes from "those that don't appreciate the boombox" crowd?


I face this question quite often when I bring them out on the patio in the summer

bison - 2012-12-01 18:07

nice set up si,

wish i could display mine like that,i see you got a little galaxy invader handheld snook in there

samovar - 2012-12-01 22:48

wow!   i'd love to be cornered there!

driptip - 2012-12-01 23:27

very good northerner, is your m70 louder than the 9494?

northerner - 2012-12-02 00:20

@deech - not had all of them playing at once but have rigged up 4 or 5 at a time which was LOUD!

@brutus - I get the occasional WOW but more often or not it's WTF?!

@bison - we're lucky enough to have two living rooms so I pretty much have free reign to do what I like in here which is cool.

I like a bit of vintage gaming too...got a mint original gameboy with a stack of games, the Galaxy, and there's even an Atari 2600 tucked down there too

@soundboy - no, no M90, not likely either as not able/willing to remortgage my house to pay for it LOL

@sal - its a fab place to be stuck, I sometimes just sit and admire them all without even switching one on

northerner - 2012-12-02 00:22

@driptip - the 9494 is the most beautiful box there and sounds great but yes the M70 is louder...love them both!

samovar - 2012-12-02 00:35

that corner is a place for meditation. i like also where you put your copy of the boombox project: owerko's book definitely belongs there

stereo.mad - 2012-12-02 01:24

Looking good si
I sometimes wish mine was in the front room so I could admirer them while watching tv but the missus won't have it lol
We're dose that little door go? Dose it lead to a magical secret garden of boomboxes? Lol

northerner - 2012-12-02 01:46

Yes it is a magical door...to the Hoover cupboard Actually its where I lock the kids when they complain about my music being too loud

I'm gonna mount a frame on the door front to display some vinyl.

Might need to expand the shelving some more at this rate...might see if I can fill the whole wall...if I expand it gradually I reckon I'll get away with it LOL!

northerner - 2012-12-02 01:50

Do you want to know something really sad?...if I've spent the evening in the other living room when I go up to bed I usually stick my head round the door to this room to check they're all still there and looking good LOL...should be embarassed about this but I'm not!

lav.loo - 2012-12-02 02:11

i spy some cracking boxes in your man cave, really nice Si love it mate

deliverance - 2012-12-02 04:24

nice collection mate they look cool 

ao - 2012-12-02 05:24

Not sure I'm happy with the token walkman offering


I do like the 45 degree angles where the cd storage depth changes to the boombox depth.  Also, what's through the little door?

northerner - 2012-12-02 07:44

What's through the little door?...that's where the little people live

deech - 2012-12-02 07:58

Northerner since you re a fan of video games maybe this door leads here!!!


litfan - 2012-12-02 08:47

Nevermind the m90 northener, that collection is superb. AO, is back on form i see .

vincent - 2012-12-02 08:53

Excellent collection. Beautiful display. I wish I could dedicate a place in my house for a display like this. For now they are all displayed- but inside a closet!



northerner - 2012-12-02 09:14

@Vincent - if you've got em you gotta flaunt em

I'm sitting looking at them now having spent the afternoon adapting that little door that some are intrigued about...cut the centre section out and fitted a frame that 2 LP's can slot into. Partly to disguise the boring door and partly to show off some picture disks I've got. Waiting for the paint to dry...will post a pic when it's finished

traveler - 2012-12-02 09:17

Originally Posted by Vincent:

Excellent collection. Beautiful display. I wish I could dedicate a place in my house for a display like this. For now they are all displayed- but inside a closet!



well then let's See a picture of Your Boomer's in the closet as they are there  in another thread of course

pioneer - 2012-12-02 09:58

Very special place for you Northerner.The 80's are not Dead man! there alive and well living in that Dope Man Cave .....What a delight

mark.gf575 - 2012-12-02 11:52

Loving that corner mate! Gonna be doing one of my own soon. (Mrs doesn't know yet)

northerner - 2012-12-02 12:16

I think she might notice Mark! Hope your missus is as nice and understanding as mine

johnedward - 2012-12-02 12:52

That is a true dream corner, great BBX's and grand to be able to look at them often and just walk up and crank one ON!! Bravo showplace in the home

isolator42 - 2012-12-02 15:56

Hitachi 3D7 in there... good lad  

northerner - 2012-12-03 02:43

Originally Posted by isolator42:

Hitachi 3D7 in there... good lad  

Aye...one of my favourites...mint, boxed, manual, £8...I love the look and sound

andyboombox - 2012-12-03 03:09

looking superb si.....love the neon too.....how does the 3d7 sound????my first box ever when i started collecting was a 3d8 and i was impressed with thatthe best there for me?the m70,of course

northerner - 2012-12-03 03:21

Originally Posted by andyboombox:

looking superb si.....love the neon too.....how does the 3d7 sound????my first box ever when i started collecting was a 3d8 and i was impressed with thatthe best there for me?the m70,of course

the neon is authentic 80's as well, its an American beer...gives the room a nice warm glow when I'm watching a movie on the plasma


the 3D is really good sounding, not as bassy as say the M70 obviously, but very respectable and the chrome caps really bounce when you turn it up...it was the 2nd box I got and is a definite keeper.


the only one missing there is my new Sanyo C7 which is currently on kitchen duty

andyboombox - 2012-12-03 03:36

youve got to put a pic up of that bro,doin its thing in the kitchen while you cook the dinner

northerner - 2012-12-03 03:47

Originally Posted by andyboombox:

youve got to put a pic up of that bro,doin its thing in the kitchen while you cook the dinner

I don't cook the dinner...thats what the wifes for (ha ha, I really didn't mean that!)...tho she does actually cook (cos I'm crap) and I clean up afterwards, load the dishwasher etc and whilst I'm doing that I always shut the door and crank up a box...I actually enjoy cleaning the kitchen because of it!

stereo.mad - 2012-12-03 04:10

I love the 3d-7 and 8, I have both and will never part with them, I remember when they first hit the shops everyone at school wanted one, they were so different to any other box at the time and then other makes followed suit like the goodmans powermaster etc, they were soooooo 80's

nak.d - 2012-12-03 04:17

Love the red Schlitz light, completely changes the look of the room with the other lights off

northerner - 2012-12-03 05:41

Originally Posted by stereo mad:
I love the 3d-7 and 8, I have both and will never part with them, I remember when they first hit the shops everyone at school wanted one, they were so different to any other box at the time and then other makes followed suit like the goodmans powermaster etc, they were soooooo 80's

I had another 3D but I gave it to my brother the other week as it was his 40th...he had the same one in his youth so was well pleased to get it.  I'd never part with this one tho.

boomer70 - 2012-12-03 05:49

Nice collection

isolator42 - 2012-12-03 05:53

Originally Posted by stereo mad:
I love the 3d-7 and 8, I have both and will never part with them, I remember when they first hit the shops everyone at school wanted one, they were so different to any other box at the time and then other makes followed suit like the goodmans powermaster etc, they were soooooo 80's

I was there  

northerner - 2012-12-03 06:16

Originally Posted by Nak D:

Love the red Schlitz light, completely changes the look of the room with the other lights off

I like a bit of coloured lighting...got a couple of these around the house including this room...has an infinite kaleidoscope of colours according to my mood at the time and again brilliant when watching a movie.  Of course these aren't vintage 80's like the neon but you can't have everything

