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Any info on the jvc pcx 300 apriciated...mainly graphic eq responces needed..hz thanks

radio.raheem - 2012-12-21 00:06

radio.raheem - 2012-12-22 10:16

Bump i need info on this box as im considering buying one.....i have the 200 witch even knocks spots of the m90 just not overly loud....cheerz guys

driptip - 2012-12-22 10:27

rr, check your pm.

radio.raheem - 2012-12-22 10:58

Originally Posted by driptip:

rr, check your pm.

replied son

panasonic.fan - 2012-12-24 15:17

Mine is in storage at the moment, but I'm pretty sure they are:




It's a nice radio, a shame they didn't put an aux input on it.


JVC old black fr

radio.raheem - 2012-12-24 22:50

Thank you panasonic fan if that's correct im over the moon,,,the 200 also has a low hz of 63.. to be honest lad if these radios were louder they would woop any grails butt and that includes the m90 and the kaboom.....they don't sound like a ghetto blaster they sound like a stack system imho... merry xmas bill to you and you're family