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todays dissapointment!!

lav.loo - 2013-03-14 10:37

thought id'e check out my local junk shop today as i had a gut feeling i was gonna score something nice anyway without hesitation here is what they had in below......a crappy hitachi mono so it goes without saying, never follow your gut instinct.



aestereo - 2013-03-14 11:23

Consider that you are lucky to spot at least one Mono today!

radio.raheem - 2013-03-14 11:35

Yea im not into mono's ether lav....agent orange has a nice one though...and thanks again mate for you're help...muchly apriciated

lav.loo - 2013-03-14 11:39

Originally Posted by AE_Stereo:

Consider that you are lucky to spot at least one Mono today!

well their was a panny egg in aswell but that would of broke my camera so i skipped it

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

Yea im not into mono's ether lav....agent orange has a nice one though...and thanks again mate for you're help...muchly apriciated

mono's have never done it for me Reno, not even the 550 i hate the look of it

no probs atall on the help, don't mention it

radio.raheem - 2013-03-14 11:48

thanks son....maybe agent can post his up....it's a panasonic.....don't like the 550 ether never have....horses for courses i guess

lav.loo - 2013-03-14 11:51

yep each to their own, i mean come on i love the 8614

radio.raheem - 2013-03-14 11:56

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

yep each to their own, i mean come on i love the 8614

Every time you mention the 8614....i'll mention the kaboom....haha least the phillips looks and sounds nice...the kaboom sounds great too but it's an ugly plucker...made of to much dull plastic...tell ya something though.. i must be losing my mind...i have never liked the look of the m90 but this one has grown on me as she looks in pretty good nick

lav.loo - 2013-03-14 12:02

never been a big fan of the kaboom look myself but there's no doubt it can boom

did'nt know you had another m90, keep hold of this one you'le only regret it Reno

radio.raheem - 2013-03-14 12:09

here she is before the clean...took 17 hrs...must of had over 100 stickers and what not...i guess i like this one because of the work i put in...new trim etc....yl never guess what i removed the stickers with....something im famous for


lav.loo - 2013-03-14 12:12

nice one is it in good nik now then? i won't ask what you paid but i can guess it was'nt cheap what did u use for the sticker removal then come on spill the beans

radio.raheem - 2013-03-14 12:21

cost 300 son.....ask ol litfan what i used...................wd40 haha...she is very clean compared to before...had much worse


you sure ya don't want that phillips lad....can't send it yet cuz of buying the tdk thing...but she needs alorra work...can't believe you got rid...still the phillips is pretty cheap to pick up

lav.loo - 2013-03-14 12:24

wd40 that's cool lol, glad she's come up nice for ya an 300 is very low for the king what kind of nik is the 8614 in? an what's the issues?

radio.raheem - 2013-03-14 12:28

deck plays no ff rr....just needs one hell off a clean gotta go phone

lav.loo - 2013-03-14 12:32

il'e message ya mate

radio.raheem - 2013-03-14 13:18

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

il'e message ya mate

yea cool son...just remember i cant send for a couple of weeks...cuz i bought that tdk box.....what the hell im supposed to live on now...god only knows

lav.loo - 2013-03-14 13:40

well i don't expect you to pay for shipping anyway, if i do decide i want it i will let ya know Reno, cheers mate


claret.badger - 2013-03-14 19:03


that box is gonna stink


don't smoke any fags round it neither

radio.raheem - 2013-03-15 14:21

haha....smells normal now.....just you're comment....well funny