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the elephant!!

lav.loo - 2013-03-25 03:33

anyone here get this? i think it's a great looking box, good price too


traveler - 2013-03-25 03:42

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

anyone here get this? i think it's a great looking box, good price too


Nope!  this -

Philips D8714 High end Ghettoblaster, radio cassette rare collectors item

Is Lav loo's  Elephant


stereo.mad - 2013-03-25 03:51

had my eye on it but did't go for it....i won one on ebay germany a few weeks back,the seller had no paypal so i aked how to pay as soon as i won it and i never got a reply,now they relisted it and opened a case against me

i contacted ebay and told them the facts and they are dropping the case and says they are in the wrong!

bison - 2013-03-25 04:03

dont see many of these for sale here,loads on ebayde.

lav.loo - 2013-03-25 05:49

Originally Posted by traveler:
Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

anyone here get this? i think it's a great looking box, good price too


Nope!  this -

Philips D8714 High end Ghettoblaster, radio cassette rare collectors item

Is Lav loo's  Elephant


ok if ya want to put it like that Traveler

Originally Posted by stereo mad:

had my eye on it but did't go for it....i won one on ebay germany a few weeks back,the seller had no paypal so i aked how to pay as soon as i won it and i never got a reply,now they relisted it and opened a case against me

i contacted ebay and told them the facts and they are dropping the case and says they are in the wrong!

sorry to hear that Lee, atleast they admitted they was in the wrong, a bit like i did

Originally Posted by bison:

dont see many of these for sale here,loads on ebayde.

yeah these are pretty rare in the uk Andy, surprised it did'nt get more bids.

i suppose it's a bit of a marmite box tbh

deech - 2013-03-25 06:38

One of my favourite bboxes !

The Elephant





nickfish - 2013-03-25 07:01

What does it sound like Deech?

deech - 2013-03-25 07:12

Nickfish it s one of the best sounding Philips bboxes

in my humble opinion !

It gets pretty loud and the bass is there too

the highs are crispy and so clear

unlike other boxes made from philips of that era

(the 8443 for example).

I m trying to use this box every couple of days too

bcause it really is one of the best !!!

lav.loo - 2013-03-25 09:14

if it sounds half as good as the 8614 then it's a winner

aestereo - 2013-03-25 09:44

Originally Posted by stereo mad:

had my eye on it but did't go for it....i won one on ebay germany a few weeks back,the seller had no paypal so i aked how to pay as soon as i won it and i never got a reply,now they relisted it and opened a case against me

i contacted ebay and told them the facts and they are dropping the case and says they are in the wrong!

There are so many good things in Germany (other than Mercedeses & BMWs!) of interest to the vintage audio fans, but most of the sellers do not accept Paypal, nor ship outside Europe. I once won an Equalizer, but after some negotiation, the seller cancelled the sale. Luckily, no case was made!!!

claret.badger - 2013-03-25 10:26

does Gemany consider the UK not in europe then?

driptip - 2013-03-26 19:19

small but very good looking unit, one of the very sought after and more ambitious model  from philips imo.


samovar - 2013-03-31 23:37

i couldn't believe it went for such a prize on the bay! 



lav.loo - 2013-04-01 03:09

that's the 8814 not the 8714 Sal but still very similar never seen a philips sell for that much in all my time being here

erniejade - 2013-04-02 11:17

I still have never seen one in person.  I think they look good! 

michiel - 2013-04-03 02:33

Check this out, a couple days ago...






nickfish - 2013-04-03 04:12

I am becoming more and more pleased that I got the £80 one before all of the fuss broke out on here!


If you don't believe that the noise on S2G boosts prices, you should study the form on Elephants recently. 


Bottom line; If you want to be able to pick up a bargain, keep it to yourself! No point moaning about the prices that they go for afterwards if you contributed to the hype!

The only people that benefit from the hype are the sellers. Is that what we want/need?


I guarantee that at least one of the over priced Elephants will be back on Ebay again very soon; bought by a speculator that saw how interested the folk on this forum were in it.


Since things quietened down about M90's there have been several in the states that failed to reach more than £500. Let things settle and we can all find bargains or at least see values become more realistic.

deech - 2013-04-03 06:11


I totally agree with the above

We, as a community define the prices

by ovehyping a unit.

Wouldnt pay more than 100 euros for one.

They simply dont worth that much .

deliverance - 2013-04-03 06:17

agreed hype them up then the sales pitch .

lav.loo - 2013-04-03 06:23

if we can't get our info on boxes and discuss em on here then where else guys?

i don't see any harm posting this here and i honestly don't think it makes any difference what so ever to the price. as a buyer would you pay any more than what you think it's worth just because of hype? i certainly would'nt

deech - 2013-04-03 06:28

Well Lav not everybody thinks like you.

Sellers see this forum by simply searching on google

their whatever model and they come here because

S2Go has such a big database on portable units.

They come, check and go.

lav.loo - 2013-04-03 06:32

yeah i see your valid point there Deech maybe i over looked it a little 

nickfish - 2013-04-03 06:42

The proof is out there and it's undeniable. The machine was under the radar and I was the only bidder and got it for £80


How many other members might have been able to get one (if they so desired) for such a good price if you had not started the thread?


There is no point saying that you can't afford a good box while fuelling the high prices with chatter. There are many good boxes out there that can be had for not a lot of money. Make a fuss and see them escalate in price. It's the same with the 'what mine is worth' thread; I replied to someone who wanted to know what a Jumbo was worth, and along came some other people that first did not appreciate that a dollar is (still) worth less than a pound, and then suggested over inflated values. Is this just self-serving hype? I don't know but it does not help collectors and enthusiasts to get a fair deal.

brutus442 - 2013-04-03 07:02

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

if we can't get our info on boxes and discuss em on here then where else guys?

i don't see any harm posting this here and i honestly don't think it makes any difference what so ever to the price. as a buyer would you pay any more than what you think it's worth just because of hype? i certainly would'nt

I agree with Lav but deech does have a point.


Whether it's stereo's, cars or antiques, regardless of the chatter about the devices, we all drive up the prices by setting our max bids high. If you want the box for $100.00....set that as you max. Simple supply and demand. The M90's that have sold recently are by no means "shelf queens" they were used and abused, therefore the low prices.


That said I do agree we can artificially inflate prices by bantering about them, but remember we are not the only boombox forum out there. Unless this rule is applied across the board we will have to simply deal with it as we can't limit free speech.


The bottom line IMHO is buy what you can within your means. Deals are getting rarer but the market will even itself out. If you missed a deal...another will come along....


Just my 2 cents

northerner - 2013-04-03 07:25

The only way not to fuel price increases is to say nothing ie abandon discussions and close the forum...when we share information and opinions on a public forum obviously anyone can see it, thats the point of the forum really...exchanging ideas and views on a subject we love.  The only other way is to lock membership and have some sort of vetting procedure to join which is the complete opposite of what this is all about.


Personally I like this forum too much to abandon it or have it locked


Prices go up, prices go down, and there are many many factors involved in this and us jabbering on (as we do ) will have some effect on it but theres no desirable answer to remove this effect...thats what I reckon anyway

samovar - 2013-04-03 14:14

right now: members online 15, guests 164. who are these guests? some are curious; others, members-to-be. there are maybe also members who forgot to sign in. the vast majority, however, are sharks.

should we stop posting about our favorite box because of them? certainly not! awareness of their interested presence, however, may help us choose smarter ways to use the forum.

my modest proposal: let's think twice before we post, as we have a responsibility towards ourselves and others. for instance, a good start could be to avoid discussions on prices, wanted items, "best" boxes, absolute "must", ebay sales and the like. 

i think a little self-restraint is necessary, if we want the forum to be accessible to everybody. and it's not such a big deal, is it? just keep in mind what is at stake before we post. the alternative would be to adopt the boomboxerry model, ie becoming accessible only to registered users. do we want it?

i have no definite answers to all the questions raised by this thread, but i positively agree with Nick Fish and deech and deliverance. it's as simple as that: as long as members online will be less than 10% of the total number of visitors, we are all potential sitting ducks. and i don't like the idea of serving my head on a silver tray to speculators.

lav.loo - 2013-04-03 14:41

some interesting comments guys, but at the end of the day does it really matter too much? should'nt we be more concerned with global warming, nuclear war threat, poverty, homelessness, greed, natural disasters, disease, is their life after death, and are we alone in the universe? the list goes on..... some things in life are really not worth even thinking about, it really is insignifacant when looking at the big picture

that's my 2 penny's worth


docs - 2013-04-04 08:10

There is certainly an element of inflation caused by discussions about value from this open site.
There seems to be some confusion about the type of posts that are responsible for this phenomenon. "Mega rare unit found - mint condition" threads are great with all the really positive comments from people genuinely happy at such a find. The problem comes when this is followed by "mega rare stereo for sale" and an eBay link.
There are literally tons of subjects to talk about here and those that are discussed are what we want more of and not inflation causing purposefulness.
At the end of the day, there was so much inane chatter unrelated to the site mixed in and amongst the professional eBay sellers promoting this weeks find of a lifetime that something needed saying and more importantly something doing about it. I am very thankful it has.

Like Sal says, we can all contribute towards this, keeping things on topic and relevant and if we decide to sell a box follow the guidelines provided but most of all try to ensure we ALL enjoy the site and our beloved hobby.

brutus442 - 2013-04-04 08:34

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

some interesting comments guys, but at the end of the day does it really matter too much? should'nt we be more concerned with global warming, nuclear war threat, poverty, homelessness, greed, natural disasters, disease, is their life after death, and are we alone in the universe? the list goes on..... some things in life are really not worth even thinking about, it really is insignifacant when looking at the big picture

that's my 2 penny's worth


Good point Lav. Docs has some valid points but let see where this new direction takes us.


BTW the "visitors and guests" are 90% Google Image bots scanning for searched terms. I ran a sim site for 10 years and found this out the hard way. Only abot 10% of the "visitors" are actually lurkers scanning the site. we must not use that little window as a barometer for the sites action.




Just my 2 pennies