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Panasonic rx5250

bison - 2013-04-17 14:07

 just got a Panasonic rx5250 cheap off the bay,ive wanted one ever since i saw Northeners at the meet,anybody worked on this model or know anything about it?

impressed with the sound especially the ambience function,its my first mid size panny.

deech - 2013-04-17 14:17

Congrats Bison !

Never seen one in person but i do know

what the ambience sound of a panny is

Enjoy and we need pics if possible.

northerner - 2013-04-17 14:19


bison - 2013-04-17 14:23

thanks Deech,just finished giving it a quick clean, the only other panny i got is the rx 32,

being realistic im after the 5500 its been on my want list for time but im happy with the 5250


northerner - 2013-04-17 14:26

Lovely sounding box with a proper line in. Can't remember whether I rebelted mine but might've done. Defo used the old switch cleaner on it. Don't really remember doing it so it must've been easy to work on

Traded mine for a rather nice 9494 at the meet but would like another

bison - 2013-04-17 14:46

Originally Posted by Northerner:
Lovely sounding box with a proper line in. Can't remember whether I rebelted mine but might've done. Defo used the old switch cleaner on it. Don't really remember doing it so it must've been easy to work on

Traded mine for a rather nice 9494 at the meet but would like another

i remember your 5250 at the meet,must admit it was in better condition than the one i picked up,that said its fully working and that makes a change,didnt you swap yours with Andyboombox?

ive had cups of coffee stay hot longer than he keeps hold of them,wonder where it is now

northerner - 2013-04-17 14:56

It was in good nick and yeh Andy had it for literally 10 minutes before he traded it with Luke for a Crown which needless to say went long ago too! Still got my 9494 tho!

I did see that Panny on eBay so glad you got it

bison - 2013-04-17 15:04

i remember now.. i traded that crown with Andy a couple of weeks later,

i had to leave the meet early as i work saturday nights so i was knackered and missed out on all the swaps and deals,

traded with Andy again a couple of weeks back.

northerner - 2013-04-17 15:15

Sounds like Andy...he loves the deals more than the boxes lol, good bloke tho What did you trade with him last?

bison - 2013-04-17 15:21

Originally Posted by Northerner:
Sounds like Andy...he loves the deals more than the boxes lol, good bloke tho What did you trade with him last?

yeah Andy likes a deal,i gave him this lot for a trk 8190 that was in better condition than mine with a working deck


northerner - 2013-04-17 15:26

Oh so it was you who traded the shed load of boxes with him lol You did him a good deal there. I wonder how many he's got left

bison - 2013-04-17 15:34

i keep seeing boxes on the bay that ive traded with Andy in the past that he has passed on to a local ebay dealer at silly prices,he must make a few shillings out of it..at least he offers them up to members first

leon - 2013-11-19 09:35

Добрый день ! Привет всем из Москвы ! Добрые люди хочу купить Panasonic rx-5250

или Panasonic rx-5150 .Можете помочь с этим вопросом?

deliverance - 2013-11-19 10:02


nickfish - 2013-11-19 10:43

I so needed a laugh today. Thanks Chris.

stereo.mad - 2013-11-19 12:24

looks nice andy

i'm a big fan of national panasonic....the ambience mode is awsome on them all...far better than stereo wide etc on other makes!

how big is it...looks m70 size?

bison - 2013-11-20 07:00

Originally Posted by stereo mad:

looks nice andy

i'm a big fan of national panasonic....the ambience mode is awsome on them all...far better than stereo wide etc on other makes!

how big is it...looks m70 size?

yeah similar size to an m70 lee and a good midsizer,i really want the 5500 though...very cool looking box

northerner - 2013-11-20 07:45

Originally Posted by bison:
Originally Posted by stereo mad:

looks nice andy

i'm a big fan of national panasonic....the ambience mode is awsome on them all...far better than stereo wide etc on other makes!

how big is it...looks m70 size?

yeah similar size to an m70 lee and a good midsizer,i really want the 5500 though...very cool looking box

a 5250?...thats smaller than an M70 surely?  I've owned both but not at the same time but I remember the 5250 as being quite a bit smaller...tho my memory isn't always 100% lol

nice box tho

bison - 2013-11-20 09:13

yeah just had a look Si your right its a bit smaller,id say its the same as an aiwa 600,

the M70 is pretty big for a midsize box

retro.addict - 2013-11-20 15:27

Hey guys,


Thought I'd chime in on this. Congrats on getting a 5250, Andy. Yeah I've still got the 5250 and knackered Unisef I traded with the other Andy for my Crown. To be honest I was disappointed with the trade for a while and still miss the Crown to a degree, it was such a nice box. I just can't put my finger on it, but the 5250 just isn't my type of box, which is very unusual. It has line-in, sounds excellent, but I just don't like it as much as most of my other boxes. I'm warming to it now because it sounds so good, and I find myself keep grabbing for it when I want nice sound. I think it may be the fact that it is quite small, and seems to look a bit too small for the style of it, I'm not quite sure really. It is a high quality box though, and I usually love those. The Unisef is trashed inside and is pretty much beyond redemption, but I've kept it and even detail cleaned it because it just looks amazing. I'm happy to just keep it as it is.

