Royal Mail Blues
renegaderacer - 2013-05-01 15:58
I finally received my Deccasound DCS1122 after winning it two weeks ago on eBay. It was extremely well wrapped with 'fragile' tape all over it but upon opening it my delight turned to horror as one end of it was smashed to pieces and literally fell all over the floor as I unwrapped it! The seller obviously wrapped it well, so I can only put it down to the caring hands of the Royal Mail staff who delivered it. The worst part is it's not worth me claiming my money back through eBay as I'll have to return the box at my cost, which'll cost me nearly as much as I paid for it, so I'll be down my original postage costs and nearly the original price of the box! Just what I needed after returning from a 48 hour fishing trip without a bite!
docp - 2013-05-01 16:13
sitman - 2013-05-01 16:25
retro - 2013-05-01 16:40
Agreed, it would be great if someone can make a featured thread with photos on how to properly package a boombox.
sitman - 2013-05-01 18:27
radio.raheem - 2013-05-01 19:02
Doesn't really matter how you pack a boombox i have had boomboxes sent in wooden crates and they have still been smashed...although we still try our best....such a shame
claret.badger - 2013-05-01 20:10
not well packaged
if you are in EU - paypal pays return costs
if you are in USA then it's different
brutus442 - 2013-05-01 20:20
I agree.
it certainly would help sending a seller a link with the correct instructions. I recently sent a box by UPS to the U.S. and it arrived perfectly. That said it also depends on the courier as well...what happened above is disgusting.
northerner - 2013-05-01 22:53
michiel - 2013-05-01 23:12
Looks a little like the Crown I got some weeks ago. Only this is worse... definitely not enough clearance between the to weak box and radio.... Luckily I got a full refund. Had to pay for shipping it back indeed.....
renegaderacer - 2013-05-01 23:35
Yeah, I must admit the box was a bit weak and although the Deccasound was well wrapped in bubblewrap, it wasn't tightly packed in the box and you could feel it moving around when you picked the box up. I don't know whether it's worth claiming my £15 back or just arm myself with a tube of superglue and undertake an intricate restoration project!
northerner - 2013-05-01 23:52
michiel - 2013-05-01 23:53
For 15 uk I wouldn't bother sending it back and so.... Just resurrect the box from its grave and get a good feeling you saved it from disaster...
renegaderacer - 2013-05-02 00:37
Yeah, what the heck! I'm a sucker for restoring things!
bison - 2013-05-02 01:55
northerner - 2013-05-02 02:20
Yeah, what the heck! I'm a sucker for restoring things! is good fun when you convert trash to bling
Heres one I did...not quite so much damage but it was on the front casing and I was missing the broken parts. It also had all the screw posts damaged and most missing so I had to get a bit creative. A lot of work but ultimately very rewarding
http://REPLACEMENT ERROR/topic/smashing-sharp-gf9000
renegaderacer - 2013-05-02 02:40
Yeah, what the heck! I'm a sucker for restoring things! is good fun when you convert trash to bling
Heres one I did...not quite so much damage but it was on the front casing and I was missing the broken parts. It also had all the screw posts damaged and most missing so I had to get a bit creative. A lot of work but ultimately very rewarding
http://REPLACEMENT ERROR/topic/smashing-sharp-gf9000
WOW! That's mint!
I've got a lot to do if I want it to turn out anywhere near as good as that!
The challenge begins!