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Prinzsound STR2525 Found In A Second Hand Shop Today!!

nickdoofah - 2013-06-01 13:13

FILE - Prinzsound STR2525 - June 2013.mkv

hi guys!


not been on for a while - i had a stroke on march 8th & this life changing experience has meant i have to learn how to do many everyday things like walking right from the start


anyway....was in portslade near brighton this a/noon looking round a second hand shop when i spotted this medium sized radio/cassette from the early 80's!


sold through dixons it's their own brand, a bit cheap & nasty but well enough made!


needs new belts for cassette mech & servisol on all the switches & controls but apart from that it's pretty much perfect condition, just needs a good clean


i'm certain it's a clone of the various budget machines of the day - anyone else seen or got one?




Oh & i paid a fiver for it!! antenna dead straight batteries never been in it i'd guess too!



lav.loo - 2013-06-01 13:27

firstly Nick sorry to hear that you have been through an awful time after suffering a stroke and I wish you a full speedy recovery asap

now the box..... great find, just goes to show they are still out there waiting to be grabbed by us loons congrats and atb


litfan - 2013-06-01 14:08

Hi nick. Just wanna say. Having suffered a stroke myself, and, went through all the learning to walk, talk thing. I know, it`s hard, but, keep at it. If anyone say`s "i understand what your going through", ignore them. Keep looking for those boxes, and, keep posting. Good luck bro. You are a hero in my book.

nickdoofah - 2013-06-01 15:26

unless you have had a stroke no one could ever know how strange it is - I don't think I have accepted it yet! I can walk again but very arwkwardly my eyes have been badly affected but I can see & I still drive - for me the hell is the nerve pain that comes whenever it wants to & the tiredness which happens way too often.....I had a brain stem stroke so lucky to be alive - thanks both for your replies, I never stop looking for boxes lol

northerner - 2013-06-01 16:48

Crikey sounds a nightmare...good luck in your recovery and congrats on your find

aestereo - 2013-06-01 23:47

Best wishes for your recovery.

Good find. The box looks like has been built by one of the major players in the industry. Look at the cassette mechanism buttons. Very familiar.

deliverance - 2013-06-02 01:06

not good times for you nick ,  i wish you a speedy recovery 

nickdoofah - 2013-06-02 10:00

Originally Posted by AE_Stereo:

Best wishes for your recovery.

Good find. The box looks like has been built by one of the major players in the industry. Look at the cassette mechanism buttons. Very familiar.

def a clone machine no question it simply would not have survived in this condition & fully working apart from belts for all this time!


not as well made as my tiny silver fegie 3T07 but i'm happy to have saved another piece of our favourite history & another for my collection!


am always looking out for the smaller silver jap machines & the better made own brand boxes like this one - it seems there are a few out there still i was amazed to see this just sitting there with modern crappy units


it's funny i met up with an old friend from the early 80's this week, when he got here he went straight to the tiny ferguson & kept on & on looking at it & picking it up........he absolutely got why we collect these things - most of my freinds think i am a bit odd for being so obsessed with stereo radio/cassette recorders! thing is, i always was right back from the time they appeared as new mad about them - the same as everyone on here!

samovar - 2013-06-02 10:44

very original find! let it be the celebration for you quick recovery

nickdoofah - 2013-06-02 11:02

thank you all - i will be on more often now as i no longer work so will keep you updated!

andyboombox - 2013-06-03 02:44

yeah get better nick,we all wish you well and a speedy recovery brocongrats on the printz-nothing wrong with the brand,ive had several and always been satisfied

all the best buddy

aestereo - 2013-06-03 10:01

Originally Posted by AE_Stereo:

Best wishes for your recovery.

Good find. The box looks like has been built by one of the major players in the industry. Look at the cassette mechanism buttons. Very familiar.

Here is what I meant. See the Panasonic cassette buttons! (Posted today at boomboxery). Even the Function/Band/Stereo-Mono knobs are the same!!!!!!

Panasonic - RS-466AS


Prinzsound STR2525 - June 2013 - 4

nickdoofah - 2013-06-03 10:40

I will open it up soon & we'll see what's bound to be a famliar & prob japanese or hong kong mecanism in there! also it does go really loud for a medium sized box! the belts will be interesting too as they are fooked lol pictures to follow

litfan - 2013-06-03 14:12

I think prinzsound, were sold, exclusively, by dixon`s, in the UK. Along with saisho?

nickdoofah - 2013-06-04 10:07

Originally Posted by Litfan:

I think prinzsound, were sold, exclusively, by dixon`s, in the UK. Along with saisho?

you are right, prinz was the forerunner to saisho (& matsui for currys the sister company) the early 80's saw the changeover

litfan - 2013-06-04 14:26

Cheers nick. I didn`t know that.

nickdoofah - 2013-06-04 15:55

i know loads of unimportant details about early 80's hifi & portable stereo's i was crazy about technology then - it isn't quite the same these days! after all, everyone on here knows when the golden age of boomers was, it was the same for hifi separates too.....i went to & loved all the hifi shows back then  magical days!


by the way the better matsui & saisho were mainly built by orion - they were good solid products & their budget VCR's were very good indeed.....the not so good badged for dixons products were poor to dire, nasty cassette mechs, weedy amps & crappy build quality!



nickdoofah - 2013-06-17 15:26

well i opened her up & found a relatively cheap & low cost unit inside!!


the main drive belt had shrunk in size to around a third of it's original size & most of it was now goo around the entire path it uses!!


we all know how long it takes to remove it all - i have done that now & just need a new belt to finish it off - servisol restored all the controls to noise & crackle free  i'll post more of the inside when i get a new belt for it!


Internals 2

Internals 3

lav.loo - 2013-06-17 15:31

nice to see your making progress Nick good stuff mate

litfan - 2013-06-17 15:31

Have you taken the pulley off the motor? i can`t see it.

nickdoofah - 2013-06-17 15:45

the capstan flywheel is off in the pics - it was soaking in cleaning solution as it was the worst contaminated part - i'll post completed mech when i get new belt!