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Williamsons 7-speaker boombox smokes the GF-777

reli - 2013-07-05 18:49


The Sharp GF-777 is WEAKSAUCE....



...because it only has SIX speakers...



while my rare, super-exclusive Williamson AIE-2000...



has SEVEN!!! 



That's right........4 on the front....



Williamsons AIE-2000 Boombox



And one on each side......For that "surround effect"..... 



Williamsons 2




.......and.........what's this?  what's that oval-shaped vent in the back? 




Williamsons 3







A massive 6 x 9 subwoofer



Williamsons AIE-2000 Boombox rear




......puts out REAL bass......Put your hand back there, and you can feel tons coming out....  This is one of the few boxes that DOESN'T need a Loudness switch, because it already has excellent bass at low volumes......In fact you really need to turn the bass down if you want to play it loud.


It's pretty heavy for its size......Approx 16.5 lbs, which is about the same as an RC-838 I think....


Instead of Stereo Wide, it has an "Enviro Stereo" setting, lol....

Also, there is a switch that allows you to reverse the left and right channels......I have no idea why...






Real metal knobs...... 6 bands...... VU and signal strength meters......mic mixers......



Williamsons AIE-2000 Boombox top



Full assortment of ins & outs.....








When I said that this box smokes the GF-777......I meant in style, and rarity...... NOT loudness or sound.... ......there's just no way a midsize box like this could compete 


But it's way cool...... The ONLY midsize ghettoblaster with 7 speakers, to my knowledge......And maybe the only one-piece, period? 


I got it back in 2009 off Ebay Germany.....and have only seen 3 others listed since then.....So it's pretty rare.  It's not the type of style I usually go for.....it looks like a 70's yacht radio rather than a "street box".......But I still had to have it, for the novelty factor.


retro - 2013-07-05 20:50

What an amazing find, never seen this model before and the build quality looks top notch, thanks for posting reli.

michiel - 2013-07-05 21:13

Lovely box! Looks like its a real heavy quality one! Have to remember this one if I ever see one for sale! Thanks for showing the inside and this extra speaker. Cool feature!

andyboombox - 2013-07-06 01:17

its got what it takes to kick some butt!i love to see rare boxes that hardly no-one knows about!however bro i still prefer the 777-sorry

lav.loo - 2013-07-06 10:24

70's boxes, hmm no thanks Reli, but I gotta admit, it is feature laden and looks solid

claret.badger - 2013-07-06 10:37

i like it


but surely it's not a sub - but a full range driver in the rear


or did I miss the joke

mitchelljames - 2013-07-06 11:02

What an unusual box, nice find

reli - 2013-07-06 14:39

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

i like it


but surely it's not a sub - but a full range driver in the rear


or did I miss the joke


people say sub to describe what's in the Kaboom, Big Ben, etc.   .....so.......fair's fair.


maybe it's not a true sub that has been specifically isolated to 60hz and below, but I can tell you that no vocals come from it

radio.raheem - 2013-07-06 16:28

didn't aiwa or sony make a box like this....im sure i have seen a few

reli - 2013-07-07 08:32

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

didn't aiwa or sony make a box like this....im sure i have seen a few

Aiwa made some boxes with similar styling, such as the TPR-801.  But they all had 6 speakers, not 7.

litfan - 2013-07-07 09:16

I think, my old mate RR, means this one, with the sub in the back.








reli - 2013-07-08 16:24

Originally Posted by Litfan:

I think, my old mate RR, means this one, with the sub in the back.




Interesting, if somewhat bland-looking

I guess they used the proper name:  Super Woofer, not subwoofer.

driptip - 2013-07-08 20:43

7 speakers ? nice

brutus442 - 2013-07-08 20:58

Enviro Stereo...pre cursor to Suuround sound?


Hell of a find Reli. A rare one for sure

radio.raheem - 2013-07-09 17:06

Originally Posted by Litfan:

I think, my old mate RR, means this one, with the sub in the back.








can't say iif if seen that one Lit ol bean... i think reli may be on the ball on this one lad...although the one im thinking of has a back woofer too lad

bison - 2013-07-10 05:36

nice unit,looks solid and well made too

litfan - 2013-07-10 12:27

Is your eyesight going RR lad? What`s that, on the back of the sony?

radio.raheem - 2013-07-11 03:10

That must be the one lad....it's quite confusing with all these stereo's running around in my head haha

david.luk - 2013-07-15 09:49

This is the Seventh Wonder of Boombox !

robb - 2013-09-21 19:28

Nice. Any interest in selling ?