Anyone looking for Sanyo Big Ben HM-941 microphones?
aerodynamik - 2013-07-28 21:54
There is currently a set of microphones being sold at Ebay. These are the old Sanyo HM-941 that came with the larger boxes like the Big Ben, 9994, 9998, 720, 820, and MX920. Ebay item#350844306380. I recently sold my Big ben and could have used a set these suckers.
stereo.mad - 2013-07-28 22:40
aerodynamik - 2013-07-29 18:08
Hi Stereo mad, sorry for the late response, just got off work. I believe this is the link
If not just key in the item number under advanced search or by typing big ben microphone on the search bar. hope that helped.
driptip - 2013-07-29 20:34
wow these were next city from where i live.