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M70 A1 at last!! :)

northerner - 2013-09-07 14:30

Well it took over a year and several failed attempts to get a replacement volume slider but I got one at last. Alberto from over on Boomboxery came up with the goods and this afternoon I fitted it.

Switched it on and BOOM! Both levels are now the same...I'm sooo chuffed!

This shows how imbalanced the channels were...on low volumes it wasn't so bad but turn it up and the difference was very obvious.

This is it now!

smeats1976 - 2013-09-07 14:53

You're getting pretty good at fault repairs Northener! Not easy to get M70 parts these days, so it must a great feeling getting your box back to perfect working order! Hats off to you !!!

radio.raheem - 2013-09-07 15:14

now chuck it in the bin and start all over again

brutus442 - 2013-09-07 18:31

Well done Si and if you follow Reno's advice...let me know which bin you toss her into

northerner - 2013-09-08 00:03

Yeh I did wonder whether I'd ever get a replacement volume pot...I'd ended up being sent record level pots (got some of these if anyone needs one!), the button off the top (due to a misunderstanding!), and then the latest member to offer me one disappeared off the forum part way through and hasn't logged in since!! Was beginning to think I was cursed!!

docs - 2013-09-08 00:45

Glad this one is restored to how it should be!

northerner - 2013-09-08 01:20

Thanks Dave...it was 90% there thanks to you but I'm glad to have finally got it past that last 10%

lav.loo - 2013-09-08 02:30

Great stuff Si, she looks so sweet

deech - 2013-09-08 05:26

Time to enjoy this unit at its fullest !

northerner - 2013-09-10 12:54

Listening to it now...it's awesome and just fixing that last thing makes me love it even more...I love this hobby

brutus442 - 2013-09-11 06:10

Hats off to you Si, your handiwork is giving you joy. That's the definition of ..job well done! 

radio.raheem - 2013-09-11 09:18

yea congrats si..job well done lad.....now buy another m70 fix it up and sell the pair...you may get an m90 out of it then

northerner - 2013-09-11 11:35

Cheers fellas

I couldn't sell this one tho...too much effort has gone into it. I'd like an M90 but not at the expense of this...I want BOTH!! Greedy I know but hey ho tho tbh my big box appetitive is being held at bay by my Sanyo 920...if I get an M90 I'd be happy but I'm very happy with what I've got...I'm not a 'grass is always greener on the other side' bloke, I'm generally content with what I have in life

listening to it again right now and it rocks

samovar - 2013-09-11 12:25

Originally Posted by Northerner:
I couldn't sell this one tho... I'd like an M90 but not at the expense of this...I want BOTH!! 

that's the spirit Si! great job and ever greater attitude! 

michiel - 2013-09-11 12:47

Originally Posted by samovar:
Originally Posted by Northerner:
I couldn't sell this one tho... I'd like an M90 but not at the expense of this...I want BOTH!! 

that's the spirit Si! great job and ever greater attitude! 

I recognize that lol 

mitchelljames - 2013-09-11 13:18

Glad you got all sorted now mate, you have been very patient. 

M70's rock, mine is my best sounding box