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mini (cat)box

samovar - 2013-09-29 03:39

more or less one month ago i woke up at the desperate multiple MEOW coming from --i thought-- the street. it took some time before i realized that the persistent meowing came in fact from my yard, which has recently been restored. summer being the perfect love season for cats, when i opened the kitchen door i was hardly surprised to find two famished toddlers looking for their mum. where had she gone? she had been separated from the safe spot she used to sneak in, unnoticed, by the progress of works in progress: the hole in an external wall which gave her access to my place had been closed, and although at night she might have tried to find another way in, that morning she was nowhere to be found.

for three days in a row, mum was to be heard at night calling for her babies. i left the door open and put some dry food in a bowl as a sign of good will, in vain. either she was afraid of a trap, or she didn't recognize the smell of her kids after they had been fed by me with powder milk (as the vet suggested), the fact is that now she's gone forever. what to do in such a situation? what would have you done? i am sure i took the wrong decision, but when i faced the situation i realized that my long, carefully chosen non-fatherly life had abruptely come to an end. how? judge for yourself:





pet therapy is perfect, psychologists say, for reducing stress levels. now only God and a few selected friends know how much under stress i am at the moment. so not only are the kids welcome: i also feel morally obliged to do something for all they do to complicate my already messy life. hence i asked myself: how should a reverse cat-therapy look like? knowing the adage according to which music soothes also the animals, i had to think no more. here we go --if only to stay on topic





were this a Sunday Quiz -- i know i should resume it one of these days -- the beginner's question would be: do you know which minibox i am using in my music-for-pets-therapy? (the fiendishly difficult one, which i spare you cause you'd never get the answer right, is instead: what are the cat's names?)

ps: i suspect that this post will be particularly appreciated by walkgirl. i offer her my apologies in advance for not posting a shot with the two fellows in front of a walkman. if memory assists me well, however, she is also a lover of minis. so i hope i'll be forgiven after all

metad - 2013-09-29 04:20

Felix and Kitty Kat, right?

And the box is - Sanyo M S350

samovar - 2013-09-29 05:50

Originally Posted by metad:

Felix and Kitty Kat, right?

And the box is - Sanyo M S350

right -- as far as the box is concerned of course

northerner - 2013-09-29 06:50

Are they called Boom and Box or ones called Ghetto the other Blaster?

How about Reno and Lav?

samovar - 2013-09-29 07:10

Originally Posted by Northerner:
Are they called Boom and Box or ones called Ghetto the other Blaster?

How about Reno and Lav?

great suggestions -- especially the third one! indeed Boom and Blaster were my first thoughts --because of the stentorian voices you wouldn't expect from such little fellas when they're hungry. however, in the end i named them in off-topic fashion for reasons that are too long to explain here. the black-and-white is Bogart (after the famous actor), the black one Edgar (after the infamous writer on black cats)

deliverance - 2013-09-29 13:33

you should of named them dale and winton sal 

brutus442 - 2013-09-29 13:42

Originally Posted by samovar:



ps: i suspect that this post will be particularly appreciated by walkgirl. i offer her my apologies in advance for not posting a shot with the two fellows in front of a walkman. if memory assists me well, however, she is also a lover of minis. so i hope i'll be forgiven after all

I think ElektroNeko would also be interested in this post Sal....but more for the kitties!

seb968 - 2013-09-29 13:50

Lovely looking kitties, How about Tosh and Shiba?

northerner - 2013-09-29 13:59

Tosh and Shiba...genius

deech - 2013-09-29 14:50

Now you wont have any mice at your yard Sal !!

Kitties are adorable and mini sanyo too !!

samovar - 2013-10-01 13:30


"On a morning from a Bogart movie / In a country where they turn back time.."



 "This latter was a remarkably large and beautiful animal, entirely black, and sagacious to an astonishing degree. In speaking of his intelligence, my wife, who at heart was not a little tinctured with superstition, made frequent allusion to the ancient popular notion, which regarded all black cats as witches in disguise. Not that she was ever serious upon this point - and I mention the matter at all for no better reason than that it happens, just now, to be remembered."

(Edgar Allan Poe, "The Black Cat")

nickdoofah - 2016-11-08 15:49

OMG they are just beautiful & that 1976 album is one of the finest albums ever recorded imo - those little cats are awesome