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Seb968's Collection (Part 1)

seb968 - 2013-09-28 17:04


Just thought I would start to post pictures of my (modest) collection. These are not all the boxes I own (there are others scattered around the house in strategic positions!)  But they form the bulk of it. If anyone can tell me the make and model of these machines just from the side view shot I have taken of them I will be very impressed!

driptip - 2013-09-28 19:57

well seb, i am going bottom shelf second from the right -sharp 5454?

northerner - 2013-09-29 00:23

Bottom shelf third from right is a JVC RC656.

When we've guessed can we have a pic when they're forward facing?!

seb968 - 2013-09-29 01:44

Well done, you are both correct, I will post forward facing pics later.

seb968 - 2013-09-29 13:27

Driptip got this one, Sharp GF5454



northerner - 2013-09-29 13:44

It's a great sounding box that 656

seb968 - 2013-09-29 14:38

The 656 has to be one of my favorites (from my collection anyway) It is well built; full of useful features and JVC’s implementation of stereo wide (“Biphonic&rdquo is very effective. This machine was purchased by my older brother back in 1981. I always coveted it. Some years ago he let me have it. .Still works really well.

deech - 2013-09-29 14:41

In front of the 656 is a Toshiba RT-100S and in front of it

another Toshiba RT-80S (or 6015).

seb968 - 2013-09-29 15:08

That is close, they are indeed Toshiba's and the model numbers are numericly!

seb968 - 2013-09-29 15:11

Sorry, I don't know whats wrong with me tonight, I ment the model numbers are very close!

deech - 2013-09-29 15:13

maybe rt 6035 then ! and  rt 120s  dahh

seb968 - 2013-09-29 15:17

Bang on the money with the RT-120s. The other one is a RT-70s but I'll give you that, these Toshiba's lookpretty similar from their side views!

deech - 2013-09-29 15:21

Yep they really do ! We need to see the front view now !!

deech - 2013-09-29 15:26

In front of the RT70s maybe its a Sharp GF8080 or 8181.

seb968 - 2013-09-29 15:31

deech got this one. Beutiful Toshiba RT-120s. Bought from ebay for £10. (This is before the prices of boomboxes became so ludicrous.) Fully working and good sound for it's size.


seb968 - 2013-09-29 15:39

Deech also got this one. RT-70s, purchased from car boot sale for £3. Not working at all. Is awaiting it's turn on the test bench for restoration.

RT70s 1


seb968 - 2013-09-29 15:47

deech, you are really good at this, bang on the money again with a Sharp GF-8080. This one is a worker, another good car boot find for a fiver.

driptip - 2013-09-29 15:58

ok seb, this is a bit hard but going just by the tuning knob the top shelf first from left is a JVC next is a sanyo then sharp.

last to the right @ bottom shelf is another sanyo?  how many did i get right?

seb968 - 2013-09-29 16:10

Yeah, I have to say it's pretty hard going, i don't think i would be particularly good at this myself! First from left is a JVC RC-SO4, the second one isn't a Sanyo, third one in is a Sharp QT-12. Two out of three is pretty good mate. Will post pics tommorow.

seb968 - 2013-09-29 16:20

Last one on the right, bottom shelf is quite obscure. It is a mono box from 1981, not of mainstream manufacture but perhaps sold exclusively at Argos or maybe Curry's. The company name was perhaps associated more with game consoles and nice quality wrist watches. Hope this gives you a clue, if not I will post a pic of it tomorrow.


driptip - 2013-09-29 17:36

yeah man,  i was just going by the tuning knob and they are not that clear either hehehe.  

seb968 - 2013-09-30 12:23

Driptip got the correct manufacture of these two




seb968 - 2013-09-30 12:29

The Obscure one of the bunch is this one, an Ingersoll XK-450.

XK450 01

XK450 02

northerner - 2013-09-30 12:39

I like that diddy JVC. Had a nice blue QT12 until it ran off to eBay

seb968 - 2013-09-30 12:45

Yeah, I've got a thing about JVC portables. I like QT-12's a lot as well, I have three of them but they are all red. Bet the blue one was nice!

seb968 - 2013-09-30 12:46

Do you know if they made them in any other colours?

northerner - 2013-09-30 13:04

It was a lovely pale blue, looked very cool and fully functioning. Not an expert on them and only got this in a trade, think they come in these two plus black, white and maybe yellow?...not sure. Looks good in red tho

I've only got 3 minis, one nice Sony with line in then 3 awesome Sanyos.

Only got one JVC now as I just sold my 656. Got my M70. But JVC do make some fine machines so its a good make to obsess about

northerner - 2013-09-30 13:12

I'd post a pic of the blue one but the iPhone doesn't let me do it mid-thread

seb968 - 2013-09-30 13:17

Wow, you have an M-70. I have always wanted one of those, for me it is one of the most iconic machines of the era. First time I saw one was in a shop called Essex Discount in Harlow (This was circa 1981, they sold expensive stuff despite the name) It was sat next to an M80 (equaly intreaging in it's way). I fell in love with it but have yet to come across one.

You recon QT-12's came in white black and yellow as well. I will have to hunt these down!

northerner - 2013-09-30 13:47

I got my M70 thro the forum so its worth hanging out around here...got a few other nice ones too

Cool to hear about your first contact with one

seb968 - 2013-09-30 14:16

I would be very interested if one came ip. Think I have an earl 80's JVC catalogue that features the M70. Will take some digging out but I will scan and post it when I find it.

deech - 2013-09-30 14:27

^^^^^ that would be cool to see the scans

seb968 - 2013-09-30 14:30

Hi Northerner

Since you liked the little JVC RC-S40, thought I would post this. It is my smallest JVC, an RC-S1r. To put this next to your M-70 would be like standing a Chiwawa next to a Great Dane. It is tiny (Though a lot bigger than a walkman)


northerner - 2013-09-30 22:46

Yeh I like that one too...small but still JVC quality...I'd like a minty one of those for my shelves

I got bigger boxes than an M70 tho

northerner - 2013-10-01 03:05

Heres the blue one for your delectation


seb968 - 2013-10-01 08:33

Hi Northerner

That is a lovely looking QT-12. I would like to have got my hnds on that!

When I was a 13 year old kid, checking out the M-70 in Essex discount, it seemed to me to be the biggest radio I had ever seen!  But bigger ones started to appear, I remember that some of the Crowns and Hitatchis were pretty huge. The biggest one I came across at that time was a Sharp GF-777 in the local TV repair shop. A little lady came to collect it witch further emphasised it's size! I have seen machines on websites that look even bigger!! What is your largest machine?

northerner - 2013-10-01 08:48

These three are the biggest I've got and about the same size:


Sanyo MX920K

Sharp GF9000

Sharp VZ2000


They're all pretty huge and heavy.  Sanyo is the nicest, VZ2000 is ridiculously heavy.  There are others out there even bigger but they tend to be the big black plasticky empty box jobs, not that theres anything wrong with that!

aestereo - 2013-10-01 09:05

Originally Posted by Seb968:

The Obscure one of the bunch is this one, an Ingersoll XK-450.



Ingersoll (Rand) is the most trusted brand for air compressors in the construction industry!

seb968 - 2013-10-01 10:42

Yes I have come across Ingersoll Rand when on the internet searching for Ingersoll radios and cassette recorders

seb968 - 2013-10-01 10:55


Ah Northerner, I remember both the Sharp machines but the Sanyo I have not seen before. Looks nice, they made some nice machines both big and small. By big plasticky empty boxes I guess you mean that they electronics are highly integrated and take up a tiny corner of the machine leaving acres of space between the main board and a tiny, rather cheap tape transport. Well I suppose it makes a nice big speaker cabinet, and they probably sound okay. I just like to see something when I take the back off a machine!

northerner - 2013-10-01 11:02

Yeh I prefer big quality machines and the Sanyo 920 is one of the best...no empty space in this big box. Sounds fantastic too. Not surprised you've not seen one tho, they're much rarer than the Sharps. I love all my Sharps tho, slightly addicted to the brand

seb968 - 2013-10-01 11:28

Yeh I love Sharp, partly because my first Stereo was one, and partly because they have a great balance between sound quality and style.

northerner - 2013-10-01 12:44

Yeh Sharp was my first box too...I'd recommend you get a 9191...not too pricy, sounds great, and just screams classic boombox to me, plus its just the right size/weight to carry around. Love mine so much I've got another arriving on Friday   It's a good step up from a 5454

seb968 - 2013-10-01 13:06

I used to own a GF9191 and a 9090. The 9191 was mint and one of if not the best portables i have ever owned. Repeated nagging from a freind and shortness of funds ment that I sold the 9191, for what i thought was a lot of money at the time. I regret that. The 9090 was tatty, no cassette door, another boot sale find. It worked well untill a certain party, it got well and truly trashed. I have often thought of replacing them but at the moment I would like to try somthing different. However if one of these beasts came up at the right price........

PS Still have the owners manual for the 9191. Will post a scan of it if anyone is interested.

northerner - 2013-10-01 13:36

I'd love to buy the manual if you're willing to sell...always nice to have the manual to match the box...pm me your price if you're up for it...cheers

9090 is a good sounding box too...I have a nice fully functioning one of those too

seb968 - 2013-10-01 13:51

If you could keep an eye out for a good M70 you can have the manual!!

northerner - 2013-10-01 23:44

Manual sold Thanks Seb

Seb's gonna scan and share first tho