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Aiwa Stereo 600 Part 2

seb968 - 2013-10-28 17:15


This morning a nice set of flat belts arrived so I set about stripping down the 600's cassette deck. Belt replacement was easy and the machine was up and running in an hour. (This is good therapy because the M-70 I'm working on is a complete basket case, loads of faults - Radio Spares are going to do well out of me on this one! )I deep cleaned the pinch roller and replaced the R/P head as it was worn. Set it all up put it together and it sounds great. Now listening to Gong!

Aiwa 600 08

retro.addict - 2013-10-28 17:19

Congrats on getting your Aiwa repaired. They're a great box, I have one which also needs belts. If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the belts and how much were they? Also are they likely to work for other boxes?

seb968 - 2013-10-28 17:24

Originally Posted by Retro Addict:

Congrats on getting your Aiwa repaired. They're a great box, I have one which also needs belts. If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the belts and how much were they?

Cheers!  I got the belts from ebay. A selection of flat belts of diferent sizes for £10; bit of a gamble but one fitted perfectly. (The others will come in usefull for other projects) Will post a link for you. They are a great box, good bass, mellow sound, I love it. Good for hippy music!!

seb968 - 2013-10-28 17:29

Heres the link, good luck



retro.addict - 2013-10-28 17:33

Thanks for the link, yeah the CS600 has a lovely warm sound and that kind of bass that sometimes makes the case on mine vibrate and rattle a bit!  It could do with more treble though. I think the tweeters are fake, they look like they're made of plastic.

seb968 - 2013-10-28 17:43

Originally Posted by Retro Addict:

Thanks for the link, yeah the CS600 has a lovely warm sound and that kind of bass that sometimes makes the case on mine vibrate and rattle a bit!  It could do with more treble though.

Yes the treble could be better, mine has brand new heads and I'm playing recording made on a Nakamichi, so things should be as good as I'm going to get. Glad you mentioned it coz I always start to doubt  the way set things up when they don't quite hit the spot. I used a scope and my alighnment tape to set the azimuth. Still the radio is the same so other than trying to shoe horn different tweeters into it I guess it is what it is. Still I'm quite happy with it.

radio.raheem - 2013-10-28 21:38

That is the only niggle i have with every aiwa i have had including my 880's...i found the treble lacking...that's why the m90 wins the 880 m90 battle for me

northerner - 2013-10-29 01:08

Well done Seb another nice box booming again

seb968 - 2013-10-29 03:02

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

That is the only niggle i have with every aiwa i have had including my 880's...i found the treble lacking...that's why the m90 wins the 880 m90 battle for me


Yes, the detail is there, just lacks a bit of sparkle! However it depends on what mood I’m in. it’s a good chill out radio, if I want something with a bit more of a cutting edge I’ll pick up a Sharp or maybe the M-70 when I get it going!

seb968 - 2013-10-29 03:05

Originally Posted by Northerner:
Well done Seb another nice box booming again

Cheers Si

samovar - 2013-10-29 03:47

Originally Posted by Seb968:


This is good therapy because the M-70 I'm working on is a complete basket case, loads of faults - Radio Spares are going to do well out of me on this one!

i told you, Aiwas are more satisfactory than JVCs  now seriously, i'm sorry to read that the m70 is in dire straits. don't give it up though. you can maybe try to mod it in RyuX style rather than selling it for spares

seb968 - 2013-10-29 04:23

Originally Posted by samovar:
Originally Posted by Seb968:


This is good therapy because the M-70 I'm working on is a complete basket case, loads of faults - Radio Spares are going to do well out of me on this one!

i told you, Aiwas are more satisfactory than JVCs  now seriously, i'm sorry to read that the m70 is in dire straits. don't give it up though. you can maybe try to mod it in RyuX style rather than selling it for spares

Don't worry I'm on a mission to repair the 70, I will not give up!! ("Radio spares" are a company I use to buy components from. My shopping list with them so far is 3x 1watt 2.2 ohm resistors, 1x 12v regulator 3x BC108 transistors, 1 can of servisol. A short list so far but it will get longer as the M70 has many faults!)