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Caveat Emptor

shane - 2013-11-01 10:42

Recently purchased a sharp VZ2000 on ebay, listed as in complete perfect working condition.

buyer beware.

once received and opened, oh hum, lets see;

cassette deck inner tray broken.

door catch on record deck broken.

deck not spinning.

right speaker not working.

sticky function selector switches.

broken slider.

screws falling out and obviously in wrong holes.


if I had to guess and it is only a guess, I would say someone has tried to take apart and did not have much of a clue...


sad as I really looked forward to it and was hoping to play some of the old vinyl my wife had kept, now looking for a deck to connect to the GF9191


ok ebay buyer protection cuts in but return postage I have had to pay

not a happy bunny at present.

samovar - 2013-11-01 11:59

too bad to read this. ebay is a dangerous place, so thanks for sharing your misadventure. i don't want to jump to conclusions on the seller as i am always ready to give everybody a second chance. however your story is ghastly. also, i would be careful to buy from anybody who has just 20 feedback, only 5 of which as a seller. especially if none of the items previously sold was a box.


on the sunny side, i'm sure you'll find a vz2000 in working order soon. it pops up often, and not only on the bay

shane - 2013-11-01 12:12

116 with 28 as a seller, very good profile and so I though all would be as described.




now keeping a watchful eye for a VZ... although "she who must be obeyed" want me to just go get a rega and have done with it...

northerner - 2013-11-01 15:16

That's a major crapper Shane...getting a box not as described stinks...you build up your hopes only to have them crapped upon.

VZ's aren't uncommon on the bay but working ones are rare. Not so easy to fix but great once they're done. I was never going to pay the price working ones often fetch so I resigned myself to having to fix it myself...it's not impossible and there are a lot of useful tips on here if you took the plunge on a fixer-upper

shane - 2013-11-01 15:28

Yes, very disappointed I must confess...

I thought about keeping it and doing some repair works but as it was sold as perfect complete working order I had to return it.


eyes open for another though 

bison - 2013-11-01 15:36

a box the size of a vz is better to pick up if you can due to its size,(all boxes are better picked up),if it was a bag of bolts you could walk away when you went to pick up


brutus442 - 2013-11-01 16:12

Shane I'm sorry this happened. It's a huge reason why many shy away from buying these boxes over Ebay. Thanks you for sharing your exploits. Let's hope Karma takes care of the rest


I hope this was a sign that a better VZ for less will show up and you'll snag it.

shane - 2013-11-01 23:31

Cheers all...

Brutus442, the turntable in your profile picture would have performed better 

claret.badger - 2013-11-01 23:41


shane - 2013-11-01 23:51

Just may have to, the better half has been up in the loft, dragged her small collection down and then went to one of the many second hand record shops we have in Norwich and made a substantial purchase.

Now being nagged over the playing of them.

so let's see, shafted then nagged, happy days lol

toocool4 - 2013-11-02 01:42

Originally Posted by SHANE:

 although "she who must be obeyed" want me to just go get a rega and have done with it...


She who must be obeyed is talking sense, listen to her

shane - 2013-11-02 01:51

Deep down I know she is but, if I admit that and tell her she is right what happens next, it's a slippery sliding slope lol


shes already ready to go and buy one, I feel the credit card cowering back to the wallet...

toocool4 - 2013-11-02 01:53

Originally Posted by SHANE:

Deep down I know she is but, if I admit that and tell her she is right what happens next, it's a slippery sliding slope lol


shes already ready to go and buy one, I feel the credit card cowering back to the wallet...


I like this woman, I wish my ex was like that

seb968 - 2013-11-02 04:59

Originally Posted by SHANE:

ok ebay buyer protection cuts in but return postage I have had to pay

not a happy bunny at present.

My one gripe with ebay protection is that you are stung for return postage; perhaps the seller should be made to give you a contribution towards this as a punishment for selling crap goods! Sorry to hear of your bad experience.

shane - 2013-11-02 06:42

I agree, I contacted ebay and put this to them, they replied with "the seller has had to refund the original postage and therefore will be out of pocket" I laughed so hard I thought I may be sick, I told them I really don't want to hear how tough it may be on him, had he sold it as faulty I would not have bid and therefore had no expense.


oh well, we live and learn...

seb968 - 2013-11-02 07:16

Originally Posted by SHANE:

I agree, I contacted ebay and put this to them, they replied with "the seller has had to refund the original postage and therefore will be out of pocket" I laughed so hard I thought I may be sick, I told them I really don't want to hear how tough it may be on him, had he sold it as faulty I would not have bid and therefore had no expense.


oh well, we live and learn...


Ah, but it doesn’t work like that, surely you paid the seller to post it to you! Now you have to post it back to him, with money out of your own pocket! The seller isn't out of pocket and he has wasted your time! I can't bereave ebay said that to you. This really sucks!! I hope this don’t put you off ebay though, most of my experiences have been pretty good. Better luck next time mate!

mitchelljames - 2013-11-02 08:44

Unlucky on the VZ Shane, i think if you have been sold a faulty unit you shouldnt have to pay ANY postage on the return, like you said, if you knew it was faulty you wouldnt have bid.


BTW, its always nice to have a bit of Latin on the forum

shane - 2013-11-02 09:05

Ego absolute consentiunt, I think... Long time ago...

northerner - 2013-11-02 09:26

It stinks that you get stuck with some shipping costs...why should you be out of pocket on a duff deal?!

Plenty of Latin in this household...my daughter is doing a gcse in it...she's a bit clever my lil girl

shane - 2013-11-02 09:39

My youngest is the brains of the family, my son is the handy one (carpentry) and game guru, my eldest is the one that cares for the elderly (us)...


i done latin at school, long while ago, and wish I had done more.

docs - 2013-11-02 09:51

If you ever fancy a roadtrip to Manchester I have a fully working vz2500 going (re belted and serviced by my fair hand)

shane - 2013-11-02 10:02

Got any pics and a price?

northerner - 2013-11-02 10:05

Shane if you want a quality well serviced box then you can't go wrong buying from Docs

shane - 2013-11-02 10:29

Just parted with one arm and one leg on a Rega RP3, got to await delivery though, got a few hundred pounds to lash out on other equipment, wife purchased more vinyl today, and I am being reminded birthday and 30th anniversary are coming up and that Santa Claus is coming to town.


dog seriously injured herself and is gonna cost a bomb, greyhound, too fast for their brain sometimes...


not sure the old bank manager is gonna be happy, may get one of those "please bank with us rather than us bank with you" letters 

shane - 2013-11-02 10:30

So, looking in my wallet I have a 20p piece and a 1p piece, any offers...

northerner - 2013-11-02 10:34

Hey it's only money and you can't take it with you lol...picked up the vinyl version of The Mix by Kraftwerk a couple of days ago...this sounds fab on a VZ

shane - 2013-11-02 10:38

I agree but I hope to be around for a couple more years yet 


Is is his new 180gram vinyl or an original?


have to say the new pressings are lovely, got dark side of the moon and it's far better than any CD...

shane - 2013-11-02 11:08

Should have read


is this the new 180gram vinyl or an original?


i must type too fast for the iPad...

docs - 2013-11-02 12:09

Will post some pics shortly.

radio.raheem - 2013-11-02 12:17

If you buy from docs rest assured you are in safe hands....bad ebay deals are a pain...been through countless bad deals myself i feel you're pain.....trouble is all the shops are closed these days so we have no choice ehh

samovar - 2013-11-02 12:42

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

If you buy from docs rest assured you are in safe hands

ditto. the Sharp GF 9090 i got from him is a gem! you'll love the VZ 2500, which in my opinion is even more elegant than the already stunning VZ 2000

shane - 2013-11-02 12:55

Hi, I have to say, in my short time on this forum I have gained a great respect for the people on it and a sense of trust and "old fashioned" honesty. It is most refreshing.


i have no doubt that the unit from docs will be in first class order, sadly it's all about the money at present, crude as that is, it's just a fact of life.



docs - 2013-11-02 13:30

If it is something you are interested in we can talk and let the money take care of itself when it suits you. PM me if interested


Assessment: fully working, a few minor marks (can be seen on speaker grill and on top) otherwise I'd say a 9+/10.

The Sharp VZ2500...

 (right click "view image" for bigger images)
























shane - 2013-11-02 13:41

As expected, very nice, thanks for taking the time to post photos.


horns of a dilemma...

docs - 2013-11-02 13:48

SHANE I can hold on to it, I'm in no rush. Though I must admit, it would be easier to collEct haha

michiel - 2013-11-02 15:04

Nice, got exactly the same box last week. Today the new belts arrived and going to put them in tomorrow. Today I also bought, for the first time in my life, a real record. The first album from Madonna 

samovar - 2013-11-02 15:23

Originally Posted by Michiel:

 Today I also bought, for the first time in my life, a real record.

for the first time in your life? well, better late than never!

northerner - 2013-11-02 15:31

First time you've ever bought a record?!?!!....you're obviously a bit younger than me then lol

Congrats for catching on that vinyl is best

michiel - 2013-11-02 15:35

Originally Posted by samovar:
Originally Posted by Michiel:

 Today I also bought, for the first time in my life, a real record.

for the first time in your life? well, better late than never!

I never owned a real turntable either!  The VZ is my first one ever  Only had a walkman and boombox as a kid... Then the cd came 


Well, I'm only 24.... Euh 42 I mean lol 

samovar - 2013-11-02 15:39

Originally Posted by Michiel:
 Well, I'm only 24.... Euh 42 I mean lol 

kids! they should be all banned! if only AO weren't so generous...

michiel - 2013-11-02 15:51

Originally Posted by samovar:
Originally Posted by Michiel:
Well, I'm only 24.... Euh 42 I mean lol
kids! they should be all banned! if only AO weren't so generous...

I DO feel like a kid surrounded with all my boomboxes But I have to admid its sounds a little stupid to buy a vinyl record for the first time in 2013 lol.. I really never bothered with vinyl, cause my main audio devices were always walkmans (first a beatboy 100 followed by a DD3) and recorded my tapes from radio. Glad my new VZ came with the user manual haha 

jt.techno - 2013-11-02 16:22

Welcome to the world of vinyl ... unfortunately this is another addiction a bit like boombox collecting ... be warned (£££) but most of all enjoy (and get a regular turntable too, as the whole tactile nature/experience of playing vinyl on a regular turntable is a fantastic one to get into too) ...  and hopefully I will get a VZ at some point in my life too (what looks like the ultimate fusion of boombox and turntable addiction it would seem :-)

shane - 2013-11-02 22:50

Sadly, after outing all my (luckily not my wife's) vinyl, I now realise just how warm vinyl is, the sound quality, the depth and breadth of the music produced. I was too quick to move with the times, to adopt modern tech, believing it must be better, what a fool I've been. The wife now slaps me on a regular basis for this but, I deserve no less.

I am now a complete convert, the CDs (please excuse the bad language, a £ has gone in the swear box) are being moved to make room for the increasing vinyl collection. A new cabinet is on order, an RP3 is on order, I'm like a kid again, so excited.

Welcome to the wonderful world of vinyl 

shane - 2013-11-02 22:52

Silly question time (really don't know how I can be classed as intermediate?). How gentle are the VZs with vinyl?

northerner - 2013-11-03 00:29

Well I've played loads of vinyl on mine with no issue...I would guess that the way the arms hangs rather than puts its weight onto the record helps. Vinyl can be expensive but trawling the charity shops and car boots can unearth some gems

shane - 2013-11-03 00:59

We are fortunate I guess that in Norwich we have around 5 secondhand vinyl shops all with a 5min walk of each other.

shane - 2013-11-07 10:28



The seller has refunded all monies paid and the return postage, I have to say I am very impressed with this and a happy bunny again.

northerner - 2013-11-07 10:31

That's great Shane!...congrats

docs - 2013-11-07 10:32

Great news.

seb968 - 2013-11-07 10:34

Originally Posted by docs:
Great news.

 Glad to hear your'e sorted mate!

samovar - 2013-11-07 10:45
