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opinions on the goldstar TSR 800.i have just bought one...what do they compare to

radio.raheem - 2013-11-08 07:54

Originally Posted by deliverance:


chris are there any nasty suprises taking this box apart lad...ie does the front come off leaving the guts behind or is it like the m90 son...if it's like the m90 i'll leave it for now,,,im on loads of painkillers but still in pain

deliverance - 2013-11-08 07:57

yep the front comes off then its the speaker connection and thats it reno       the main part stays attached to the back .

nickfish - 2013-11-08 08:05

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

Tuner needs fixing.....plastic plexi is missing off the door...right hand side vu is dead


Flippin' 'eck Reno!

Wasn't this described as in good condition and fully working? For 250E i would have expected more.

Audioaddict is off my list now.

radio.raheem - 2013-11-08 08:06

Originally Posted by deliverance:

yep the front comes off then its the speaker connection and thats it reno       the main part stays attached to the back .

God bless my friend....i need something to do to take my mind off this pain lol

radio.raheem - 2013-11-08 08:15

Originally Posted by NickFish:
Originally Posted by radio raheem:

Tuner needs fixing.....plastic plexi is missing off the door...right hand side vu is dead


Flippin' 'eck Reno!

Wasn't this described as in good condition and fully working? For 250E i would have expected more.

Audioaddict is off my list now.

I agree nick lad....hang on i'll post the auction...if it's mentioned in the aution all be it in german i diddn't translate it so it could be my fault....the biggest suprize to me is the missing plexi glass off the door

radio.raheem - 2013-11-08 08:21

here is the aution guys




sombody translate ehh please

deliverance - 2013-11-08 08:29

 he does mention the right hand vu not working and the plexi missing  reno .

deliverance - 2013-11-08 08:32

tell you what winds me up this restored /refurbished nonsense ,  a few squirts of switch cleaner 2/3 belts and a dose of mr muscle is a repair not a restore .

radio.raheem - 2013-11-08 08:34

It just looked so clean chris i diddn't translate like i normally do and the pain i have been in....least we know it's not his fault....his paking is superb too....


what do you recon is up with the vu Dell...i have tried pressing record a few times but nowt

deliverance - 2013-11-08 08:39

give the switches a squirt and see what happens .

mitchelljames - 2013-11-08 08:49

It looks really nice Reno

bison - 2013-11-08 09:09

congratz reno..killer box mate

samovar - 2013-11-08 09:20

What an elegant box! I've just seen all the pics of the auction and she looks gorgeous!


In my personal experience, audio addict has always been more than correct. So I checked out the german text to see if this time he had misrepresented the box. As Chris said, he actually mentions the issues. He also writes, just before the first big pic: "Should you be dissatisfied, please contact me immediately and we will find a solution".


So I feel for you that your beaut is not 100%. At the same time I hope you can fix the issues easily and keep the box, as she really looks oustanding and almost certainly sounds great!

nickfish - 2013-11-08 09:25

I stand corrected.

It is as described.

radio.raheem - 2013-11-08 09:37

thanks all realy....i will not be putting a claim as this time it's my fault lads....im off to bed guys im in too much pain

northerner - 2013-11-08 09:55

Well its a gorgeous box and I'm sure the minor issues can be sorted...have a good snooze Reno

seb968 - 2013-11-08 10:01

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

thanks all realy....i will not be putting a claim as this time it's my fault lads....im off to bed guys im in too much pain

Hope you feel better soon mate.

radio.raheem - 2013-11-08 15:24

Vu fixed hey nortner si you need one of these bro it's like a larger better  sanyo 920


not that the sanyo isn't great....rock on


hey seb you ain't been here long but you fit in well....nice one guys

seb968 - 2013-11-08 16:15

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

Vu fixed hey nortner si you need one of these bro it's like a larger better sanyo 920


not that the sanyo isn't great....rock on


hey seb you ain't been here long but you fit in well....nice one guys

Thats very nice of you to say, I havn't been here long; hardly any time at all, but I really love this forum.  

radio.raheem - 2013-11-08 16:28

you're welome seb.....hows the m70 moving along mate....what exactly are the issues with her???

radio.raheem - 2013-11-08 18:52

Ok does anybody know where the connetors go on this..there is more than one..i thought there was only 1 lol


the crown speakers dont fit,,,,,they were a mm  out in secomfrance,,, had to take apart to fix the tuner anyway

radio.raheem - 2013-11-08 20:39

all done..couldn't fix the tuner though

northerner - 2013-11-08 23:47

Congrats on getting the vu meter fixed

It'd be interesting to put this and the 920 side by for a comparison...I reckon this Goldstar is defo one worth getting, not sure I could love one more than my 920 tho as its just the best looking box ever full stop IMO

And Seb is definitely fitting in well here...a good bloke it seems and a welcome addition to the forum

radio.raheem - 2013-11-08 23:52

The goldstar sound reminds me so much of the 920 its unreal si....the 970 drivers wouldn't fit but in a way im not bothered beause i did love my sanyo untill lav loo bagged it of me

stereo.mad - 2013-11-09 00:20

Told you it was a good box Reno
Ps put your phone on its hook!

radio.raheem - 2013-11-09 00:33

its on son

radio.raheem - 2013-11-09 05:34

I can see you're reply seb but it's not there.....this has happened to me also

seb968 - 2013-11-09 16:16

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

I can see you're reply seb but it's not there.....this has happened to me also

Hi, yes, I wrote a long reply but for some reason it had to be refered to the moderators, don't no why! Anyway the M-70 is a basket case; I'm having to work through many faults. If my reply appears then you will read all about them, if not I will re do it. I will probably do a post on the 70 when (if!) I fix her! Cheers mate!

seb968 - 2013-11-09 19:46

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

you're welome seb.....hows the m70 moving along mate....what exactly are the issues with her???


Originally Posted by Northerner:
Congrats on getting the vu meter fixed

It'd be interesting to put this and the 920 side by for a comparison...I reckon this Goldstar is defo one worth getting, not sure I could love one more than my 920 tho as its just the best looking box ever full stop IMO

And Seb is definitely fitting in well here...a good bloke it seems and a welcome addition to the forum

One of the reasons I love this forum is that you have all made me feel welcome here! You are a nice bunch!  Even when one of you (very unfortunately) went of the rails your collective attitudes do you credit. You give people a second chance and rally round to help an injured party. This re-firms to me that you are a decent bunch! But enough about that, now onto the M-70.


When I first plugged it in things were not good. The radio was stuck on 5 live because the tuning cord had snapped and when I pressed play on the tape deck smoke billowed out of the macine! . I found a picture of the inside of the machine on s2g and repaired the cord. The smoke had come from a burning 2.2 ohm resistor (luckily spaced away from the main board so damage was minamal. The resistor had burned out because the voltage regulator transistor had gone short circuit. I replced these components and the tapedeck now runs. However these were the least of my problems!

This machine has been good at one thing! It has been very good at causing me a great deal of frustration!  I am meant to be a tech but I have not managed to fix the muting problem yet. It is making me feel stupid!  I downloaded a a service manual (another £8) and set to work on it two weeks ago! I have been chasing my tail ever since (will post the manual on the forum if it is of use to anyone!) I now beleave that I have been looking at the wrong area, if this is true I may make a breakthrough but I'm feeling a bit down about it. (Should have saved up the money and bought a decent one!) On a lighter note, the cassette deck is good and it looks a lot better since I deep cleaned it and re-sprayed the speaker grills!  Maybe I will have a break for a while, fresh eyes and all that. I will post the story of this machine (if) when I have finished the restoration!

ao - 2013-11-09 19:54

Originally Posted by Seb968:
Originally Posted by radio raheem:

I can see you're reply seb but it's not there.....this has happened to me also

Hi, yes, I wrote a long reply but for some reason it had to be refered to the moderators, don't no why! Anyway the M-70 is a basket case; I'm having to work through many faults. If my reply appears then you will read all about them, if not I will re do it. I will probably do a post on the 70 when (if!) I fix her! Cheers mate!

Yeah, sorry, moderation filter playing up again.


Seb, just to add, it's always good when we get a new member with such enthusiasm for the community as yourself, for most of us it's taken years but keep up the good work, very much appreciated.

seb968 - 2013-11-10 06:38

Thank you agentorange

nickdoofah - 2013-11-12 11:16

isn't gold star today's LG? I'm pretty sure it is.........as another member said they are certainly underated, I remember early 80's mono & stereo radio/cassettes being very well made & reasonable sound.......look how far the company has come today! lg & Samsung are market leaders & make just about all the display panels for televisions out there!

seb968 - 2013-11-12 11:29

Originally Posted by nickdoofah:

isn't gold star today's LG? I'm pretty sure it is.........as another member said they are certainly underated, I remember early 80's mono & stereo radio/cassettes being very well made & reasonable sound.......look how far the company has come today! lg & Samsung are market leaders & make just about all the display panels for televisions out there!

Yes Goldstar are now LG. L.G. stands for "Lucky Goldstar"

michiel - 2013-11-12 13:04

Originally Posted by Seb968:
Originally Posted by nickdoofah:

isn't gold star today's LG? I'm pretty sure it is.........as another member said they are certainly underated, I remember early 80's mono & stereo radio/cassettes being very well made & reasonable sound.......look how far the company has come today! lg & Samsung are market leaders & make just about all the display panels for televisions out there!

Yes Goldstar are now LG. L.G. stands for "Lucky Goldstar"

My first gen Lasonic 931 is made by "Lucky". Is this maybe the same company?

seb968 - 2013-11-12 13:42

Originally Posted by Michiel:
Originally Posted by Seb968:
Originally Posted by nickdoofah:

isn't gold star today's LG? I'm pretty sure it is.........as another member said they are certainly underated, I remember early 80's mono & stereo radio/cassettes being very well made & reasonable sound.......look how far the company has come today! lg & Samsung are market leaders & make just about all the display panels for televisions out there!

Yes Goldstar are now LG. L.G. stands for "Lucky Goldstar"

My first gen Lasonic 931 is made by "Lucky". Is this maybe the same company?

Lucky and Goldstar were separate companies that merged in 1995. They also own Zenith electronics.