Sharp Sales Brochure
ao - 2012-02-22 04:03
chris69 - 2012-02-22 05:14
retro - 2012-02-22 05:24
Nice one agentorange, thanks!
brutus442 - 2012-02-22 05:30
I'll take the 8585E please!
Nice post AO!
ao - 2012-02-22 06:21
It amuses me that these things were peddled as the executive business travelers accessory bitd.
brutus442 - 2012-02-22 06:32
It amuses me that these things were peddled as the executive business travelers accessory bitd.
That's a possible tie-in....but the more I look at it I'm thinking it's selling the portability of a high end dual cassette deck. The "take your living room stereo with you" crowd.
Who knows what lurks in the minds of marketers!
ao - 2012-02-22 06:59
It amuses me that these things were peddled as the executive business travelers accessory bitd.
That's a possible tie-in....but the more I look at it I'm thinking it's selling the portability of a high end dual cassette deck. The "take your living room stereo with you" crowd.
Who knows what lurks in the minds of marketers!
Very true and it's kind of nice that this concept was even entertained back in 1980. We can only look back and laugh as we run to gate 53 clutching our Blackberries and iPhones
bison - 2012-02-22 07:41
im pretty sure youd be charged excess baggage with the weight of that gf555
ghettoman - 2012-02-22 14:13
Wow would'nt it be nice to see a 555 or a 9494 in that nice crispy new condition..
Good Pics Agent..i like these alot !
boomboxace - 2012-03-27 22:12
Nice brochures are you planing to sell them ?
radio.raheem - 2012-03-27 23:30
mine was like that beanie till i binned it......only new sharp i would TOTALLY like to se is a 1000....thanks AO for a look back in time
ao - 2012-03-28 01:06
It's funny to think that these things were once new. Imagine it, crisp tight belts, snappy transport controls, zero crackle, no fag burns in the top, antennas that actually extend..happy days.
ghettoman - 2012-03-28 04:22
its mad looking at the brochures,the boxes in the pics sometimes look nicer than the box in real life..
mitchelljames - 2012-03-28 04:41
Great stuff, thanks AO
That pic of the 555 makes me think it would be a good box for the beach
scottym - 2012-03-28 05:52
Great stuff, thanks AO
That pic of the 555 makes me think it would be a good box for the beach
It would get bogged in the sand it's that heavy.
Cheers for the scans AO. Never seen the 9595 in a brochure before.
ao - 2012-03-28 05:58
I feel sorry for the 555. One of the earliest double-decks and construction and features to die for but it just aint pretty.
undertheradar - 2012-03-28 14:03
Thanks for the post. Pretty? Maybe not, but the gf555 still looking futuristic today.
driptip - 2012-03-28 21:04
I feel sorry for the 555. One of the earliest double-decks and construction and features to die for but it just aint pretty.
i would love to own a nice complete fully working gf-555, i know is the uglyduck of boomboxes. but i still have room for one of them.
metad - 2012-03-29 06:00
but the gf555 still looking futuristic today.
that's right !
and it's not ugly at all, it's just different.
ugly is a word for lasonics and other "black" cheap boxes
ghettoman - 2012-04-08 22:39
i used to have a 555,,also had a GF525,i know its not the best looking boxes,but i liked them out of respect for there build quality and features,they'r a heavy beast and they recorded really nice,the only let down is those silly pathetic rubbers on the capstan stopping the play from working,the 9090,9191,9292,9494,9595,9696 all have that annoying part,the 525 worked but the 555 did'nt,i had nothing but trouble with the 555 decks so i gave it away,hate those decks !