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Hitachi CP90SP1 Ghetto Blaster BOOM BOX

r.o.y.a.l - 2008-09-25 08:12



r.o.y.a.l - 2008-09-25 13:00

Totally ! Thats why I added the massive picture of it ! I have never seen one before . .

erniejade - 2008-09-25 14:15

it looks like the one they used in the movie White Nights.

bashngu - 2008-09-25 16:43

I have one of these Royal. Its a serious little unit. Very heavy, very well made, very good sound, very unique. It originally came with Hitachi folding headphones which I was lucky enough to get w/ the box and they go into that compartment in the middle left. If you can get this box, get it.

isolator42 - 2008-09-26 09:02

Originally posted by DecentMan4you:
goodmans powermaster Hitachi Lookalike?
cheep starting price for overthere overseas's looks verystrong for sound dual subwoofers ... dual cassette
I've heard this one & it's grim. Loud-ish but makes a decent 3D seem the highest quality. A good example of a copycat 3D, including why they should be avoided.

Of all the other Hitachis DM4U listed:
Leave the 3D30s.
The 3D40 is good enough, I guess.
The 3D8 is the pick of the bunch.

...meanwhile back at the ranch:
Originally posted by erniejade:
it looks like the one they used in the movie White Nights.
yes it is.
Here's some more info on it:

walkgirl - 2008-09-26 09:11

It does seem that radio does have 2 walkmans!,
a regular one and a radio one!! Cool

isolator42 - 2008-09-26 09:22

Yes it does Nicolle:

It was also available with 2 removable cassette sections & the tuner in that "spare" place on the left:

It's full of strange, this one. It has bass & treble controls & also a 5 band EQ. & also the Dolby switches are on the EQ> I'm not sure whether the 5 band EQ section is removable.

bashngu - 2008-09-26 09:33

Originally posted by isolator42:
Yes it does Nicolle:

It was also available with 2 removable cassette sections & the tuner in that "spare" place on the left:

It's full of strange, this one. It has bass & treble controls & also a 5 band EQ. & also the Dolby switches are on the EQ> I'm not sure whether the 5 band EQ section is removable.

With the EQ module plugged in, it bypasses the use of the seperate bass and treble controls. It's either/or.

isolator42 - 2008-09-26 09:37

Originally posted by bashngu:
With the EQ module plugged in, it bypasses the use of the seperate bass and treble controls. It's either/or.
Aaaah... I did wonder. So now I wonder what's the story on the offboard Dolby?

...I'm seriously tempted every time one of these turns up on eBay.

isolator42 - 2008-09-30 08:01

...but not for over £100. That's plenty for a Hitachi where the tape player doesn't work. Ah well, it is eBay...

oldskool69 - 2008-09-30 18:43

I want one. But I'm patient. They are very nice little units. Nod Yes

walkgirl - 2008-10-01 05:04

That is just fantastic!, 2 walkmans in one boombox! Cool

Thansk Isolator42 Smile

isolator42 - 2008-10-01 06:44

I reckon one of these would be right up your street Nicolle.
Rare though...