im.out.of.hear - 2009-10-29 17:25
and this will get it to your house ask him to put it in a box with some old news paper as packing and get it picked up using P4D for just £8

I bought it,been thinking about it all evening been in touch with seller about courier collection and boxing it up, collection will cost me about £8.00-£14.00, so yeah a bargain.
He said if it didn't sell he was gonna skip it, so had to rescue it.
transwave5000 - 2009-10-30 01:39
well done dave- you couldnt have picked a better one (except my d8534!) and phillips is my top fave make, alongside sanyo and sharp.
if you hadnt have bagged it, and id have seen it sooner i would definately have had it away.
so your lucky, man

enjoy it, and see how loud these philips go- stuff jvc!!!!!!!!