chancenellie - 2009-09-24 08:55
Hi guys,not been on in a long while,so many new names on here,Anyway,after a major motorcycle accident that left me in hospital for 6 weeks with 2 smashed legs,the threat of amputation,9 operations,skin grafts etc etc etc i decided to sell up,i wont be able to work on boxes any more and its gonna be a year or more before i'm walking again,i'm hoping to sell as a job lot (at a reasonable price)Those that know me will know most of my stuff is boxed,i will be keeping a select few high end boxes for my self.The ones i am getting rid of are mid range boxes all boxed and all working,i will post a list and photos in the next few days but wanted to see what kind of interest there is before i go to ebay.Andy
im.out.of.hear - 2009-09-24 09:15
Damm it man,thats 2 selling up...
this is a sad day for the boombox..i see meljak all the time,he said he`s been to your house,said you have alot of good stuff..
hey gm,yeah gordon has been to my place,hope he's well.90% of my stuff is boxed and very clean,hope a fellow collector will take them.Dont want to sell up but with things the way they are im havin to be cruel to be kind
geoffhartwell - 2009-09-24 10:33
sad to see another collecter swlling up, needs must, check pm andy
chancenellie, PM sent
Damn ! Sad news :s

WOW Andy hope pray for u man to a quick recovery and walking and dancing to the beat my friend, My prayers are with u.
hey lopez,nice to hear from you my friend,hope you and the family are well,thank you for the kind words
Hi Andy,
Very sorry to hear your news. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Take care
dear andy
all i can say is sorry to hear about your news. just concentrate in future in taking care of yourself, take things easy. and if you do choose to sell off most of your collection, again dont worry mate. our fellow collectors on here will give them a really good, loving home.
i for one would be interested in any gf sharps you may have.
good luck for the future andy, keep your chin up and youl get through this

chancenellie is a great guy ! i hope you get better soon man.
hey Floyd,cheers man
hey man have you still got that jvc rc525? id love it to go alongside my jvc 3060uk mark showed it awhile a go on here- you scored it at a car boot.
pm me!
Hey Andy,sorry mate its gone,all my JVC's have gone now.Andy
never mind andy. pitty mate. these early jvcs are so damn hard to get hold of.

all the best for future- give up buying but dont stop blastin' mate.
