rom.selecta - 2009-07-06 08:31
Would anyone be interested in one of these?
Its a bit beat up but apparently operational. I have an opportunity to buy it but am not particularly intersted in it for myself.
im.out.of.hear - 2009-07-06 08:36
If you can get it on the cheap,get it and clean it up,then put up some new pics of it,take one of it outside in the light,like outside in the sunshine..
thats kind of a rare model,its usually jvc RC550..
Opps... just noticed my fobar... it is actually a Victor RC-550

dumpstermyass - 2009-07-06 09:09
ROM, I might be interested. If you can PM me with a price idea, this would be very helpful. Thanks!
dumpstermyass - 2009-07-06 15:17
Aw crap, I don't read/speak Japanese!

It helps if ya do

and they wont ship it out of Japan , so ya have to know someone who lives here
Hmmmm... now who lives in Japan that we know???

may be you do not know, but there are a lot of people and middlemans, who can buy there and ship out there. ez
Originally posted by Dumpstermyass:
Aw crap, I don't read/speak Japanese!
use online translators and... your head from yome yo time

although they usually dont make a lot of sense or translate accurately...
Originally posted by sikorsky:
may be you do not know, but there are a lot of people and middlemans, who can buy there and ship out there. ez
Oh, I figured as much... but I didnt see them bringing it to anyones attention

how much do you want for me at
Rom mate what price does it translate to be in £ & $ ?
if it goes cheap then it will be worth buying
still trying to get money togther so we can sort out a box - but car has just gone into garage

how do you want for the rc 550 jw. i would like to buy it. email me.
Fellas... that 550 is LOOOOONG gone and I didnt get it. I ran out of cash :P
is this jvc/victor rc 550 still available to buy.
Read the comment above yours.

yes my name is bryan i am interested in buying your jvc/victor rc 550 if you want to sell email me with your price and how to pay for it. thank you.
im.out.of.hear - 2009-10-13 12:58
Bryan,what everyone is trying to say to you,is that the JVC RC550 Has been Sold already,It is No Longer For Sale...