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Gotta Sell...Return of The Great Nephew...

oldskool69 - 2009-07-12 06:36

Most here may remember that in December of 2007 we took on our niece (Dorothy) and her son (Jackson). My parents had raised her since she was seven but was/is too old to deal with a newborn. She was all of 16 at the time and it was a rough situation to say the least. Well, eventually my sister and her new husband decided that "their act was together" and used the fact that we kept Dorothy on a tight leash to get in her ear. All this while knowing that Dorothy wanted a "family" like everyone else. She will probably never know who her real father is. Plus Dorothy was disobedient, and had shown she coud not be trusted. Dorothy decided to work behind Tunya's and my back to scheme to get out of Alabama. Mad Because of this, and the fact that we warned everyone we would not put up with it, we let her go to Omaha, Nebraska as lond as my sister bought the tickets. No No And though we maintained legal custody of Jackson, we let her take him as it provided a center of focus for Dorothy.

A few weeks ago, we recieved texts from Dorothy that she was in trouble and that my sisters husband was threatening her and the baby. Because of this and a call from Child Protective Services about my youngest niece being bruised up, my father and I headed to Omaha last 7.3.09. No time with our families, no holiday, and a vacation that was scheduled, ruined.
Firearms in tow.

Once there we, had a long, if not heated discussion about what was really going on. Yes, threats were made to Dorothy, but we also found out she was a protagonist for the most part. Mad Regarding my younger niece, the isssue was cleared up with the state before we got there.

So, for Jackson's sake, we packed him and Dorothy up and took them to Georgia where thay are right now. Dorothy knows she cannot come back to our house. No No We will now take permanent custody of Jackson. We told Dorothy that if within a year she does not get her act together, we will adopt Jackson outright as it is only fair and he's just a baby. We will have Jackson at the end of August.

Also because of all this, I have to lighten my load as we have no room and are now hit hard for cash to start up childcare and get his insurance going , legal fees, etc. not to mention the expense of getting them back to the south. Roll Eyes

I covered 2600 miles in three days not counting coming back from Augusta Georgia on July 6th. There was one silver lining. My dad and I talked the whole way there and back. We talked about all the old songs we were listening to on satellite radio. Plus the usual father son debates about who's memory was right about what and vintage electronics and news and whatever came up. Big Grin

Anyway, I must sell off a few pieces of my collection to make room. See below what is going, and that may not be all of them... Frown

I believe they are fairly priced as well. If there is an issue with any of them I will try to get it resolved before it ships and will advise you. The only issue of note is that some have deck issues (when have they not?) that need resolution. The powerhouses listed though are 100% functional and ready to go. Price will be above the photos. Shipping/Handling to be determined by Zip/Postal Code. Overseas shipping available. I these to go to good homes. Big Grin First come, first served... Smile They will also be listed on Brotherhood of Boomboxery as well...

1. G.E. 3-5251A - A good little utility box. This is the one to use while washing the car or when you just want the radio. Nice strong tuner and built well. 100% functional. 120v only. A steal at $12.00. SOLD

2. Fisher PH-405 - You'll be surprised at this little gem. I gave Bobby the PH-402 I had so he knows. Loud and punchy for it's size, and metal tape capable. Very strong tuner. Five band EQ, mic and phon/aux inputs. 120/220v. Deck needs attention. A great buy at $15.00. You'll be surprised, trust me. Nod Yes

3. JVC PC-30 - A very good loaded bantamweight boomer. 100% functional has auto reverse and five band EQ and aux/phono inputs. Tuner would pick up your grandma in Kansas if she were there. 120/220v. $15.00

4. Sony CFS-DW50 - Very nice unit. Not an egg, but a "loaf" if you will. Double cassette, digital tuner with presets, line in, and Sony's "Mega Bass" and EQ complete with rear firing subwoofer. A unique one if there is one including sleep/timer functions. Rich sound. 120v only. $15.00

5. JVC RC-M60JW - (Oh well... Frown ) Do I need to say something about this one? Well, yes I do. Deck is sometimey and the antennas aren't original, but is that a problem unique to this unit? Doubt it. A sweet sounding box as all of the RC-M series was. Tuner would pick up lint if given a chance it's that strong. Aux/Phono inputs. Punchy as well. 120/220v $130.00

6. Panasonic RX-DS620 - So you like your CD's but don't want to give up line in? Yes, line in is there, to go with the built in CD. The usual quality expected from Panasonic. This unit features the Mica impregnated woofer cones. Sweet sounding. No, not an XBS like the DT series but no punk either. :no: Has autoreverse deck as well. Five band EQ. 100% functional. Sleep/Timer functions and strong tuner. 120v only. Have two of them for sale. $60.00 each or $100 for both.

7. Fisher PH-480 - (Sigh... Frown ) Damn heavy, damn strong. Goooood Looking to boot. First things first. The speakers in there are Fishers, just white. If you'd like I can put the black ones back in. But why? It looks way better in white...Anyway, very powerful tuner, 8" woofs, great deck 100% functional. Has 'Super Bass" feature, music search, Dolby, etc. Great for scaring neighbors away with it's power. :thumbsup: Rock solid unit. And black speakers will be shipped if you elect to keep the white. 120/220v. $270.00

8. National RX-C100 - (Damn... Frown ) BUT...there is joy knowing that someone wil apprec iate this beauty! Sound like no other. Search it out if you don't believe me. Vacuum Flourescent meter display, proper inputs, great tuner, strong 100% functional deck. Oh, did I mention backlit tuner dial? And that yes, it's a Japanese model that tunes all the way to 108mHz!!! :w00t: Good gracious, this thing would knock you out if the speakers were fists. It's that damn good. :thumbsup: 100/120v only. $270.00

vladi123456 - 2009-07-12 20:58

And no Sharp?? Eek

But on a serious note - good luck with your sales! And hope your trouble will end now - what a story!

dumpstermyass - 2009-07-13 14:42

I like that JVC!

oldskool69 - 2009-07-25 18:03

G.E. ...Gone
Fisher PH-480...Pending
Fisher PH-405...Available
