alvinm - 2009-08-02 06:29
That pic looks familiar, I've seen it on an auction recently I'm sure...

And it doesn't appear to have "couple of button" missing either.
I don't believe it's a picture of the actual box. I have seen this picture on other auctions. It sucks that they are not using a pic of the actual box. It's kinda like a grab bag, it's a surprise when you open the box..

... Maybe be a jewel or a piece of junk...
Thats what I thought..It looks like the picture used on one of the recent auctions where the box sold for over $800...
Yup Thats the one I was thinking of....
Its laughable how the seller wrote, "We try to be honest and inspect every item thoroughly and describe it, faults and all, but sometimes some things get by us."
They described the box in one
Well it sold for $42, so I guess no one was fooled.