2steppa - 2009-09-06 13:16
312 gbp at time of writing with 3 days left...
Looks pretty decent too.
Looks to be in nice shape..What does the H stand for as opposed to the Z version?
H = high price

Originally posted by BENDYCAT:
H = high price
I guess that would make an HP....

at least the starting price was reasonable ,and no inflated descriptions, one thing these are very hard to ship without damage because they are very heavy ,lovely box though.
im.out.of.hear - 2009-09-07 03:44
Yep steppa,saw that,stupid auctions like this,i usually click on,then click straight back off again,and if i could i would delete it from my screen..hate stupid people with more money than sense..the 777 is an ok box but i cant understand the prices they fetch..infact,there is`nt any box that i would put a huge price on..
when prices go out of control,its not about collecting/hobby anymore..it becomes silly..
And floyd is correct,the starting price was totally reasonable so it was`nt there fault,its the silly cocks that are bidding..
Well I'd love a 777 but I'll admit I'm priced out of that market for the foreseeable future.

But you never know what might turn up, I suppose.
im.out.of.hear - 2009-09-07 05:56
steppa,with me,its not about cant pay,i could probebly get the coin together if i wanted to,but sorry,i just cant get myself to be that stupid to pay out hundreds for a boombox..ridiculous prices just put me off,i`de rather do without..
woah i think i`ve got up out of the wrong side of the bed again today..moan moan moan,thats all i`ve done all day..
one good thing about the seller is at least he owns a cassette ,helpful when testing a box for functionality.
Originally posted by gettoman:
woah i think i`ve got up out of the wrong side of the bed again today..moan moan moan,thats all i`ve done all day..
I know what you mean, been one of those days for me too - someone would've got a punch in the face if they'd pushed just a lil' bit more today.

Glad to be home now.
If you look across both Ebay US and Ebay Germany, there are always at least 20 777's listed on any given day. So I don't see why they fetch high prices.