im.out.of.hear - 2009-11-12 07:23
no way..this sold soooo cheap,was worth more than that..
in that condition, it sold for a bit more than what it was worth.
The seller says he bought that believing it to be mint, paying nearly $500 for it! I would be so p*ssed off!
im.out.of.hear - 2009-11-12 14:37
i just thought it was quite cheap,its only £51,most peeps in uk would have bought that,including me,i would have bought it for a project..fix it up best i could,and put new speakers in it..
yeh i would be pretty p*ssed,he should have defo got some sort of refund off that..

i would have paid £51 for a 777 project too

I see so many boxes on u.s. ebay i would love to buy, but as we know shipping just nails it

Originally posted by -BaNaNa95-:

i would have paid £51 for a 777 project too

I see so many boxes on u.s. ebay i would love to buy, but as we know shipping just nails it
Well i See So Many BBox's on the UK epay that ...
I would buy in a heartbeat
here's my present list that i am wishing for ....
JVC BOOM BOX five pounds gee this is sooo cheep ! MASSIVE HITACHI TRK8080 GHETTO BLASTER BOOM BOX gf 5454 boxed ghetto blaster boombox superb ----------- being sold by a person on here 3D SUPER WOOFER GHETTO BLASTER RETRO BOOMBOX SANYO M9990L BOOMBOX/GHETTO BLASTER NO RESERVE then the shipping is over like 172 - 249 Great Britain Pounds GBP as I asked for the sharp 5454 & for both together - 249gbp WOW ! expensive...