For sale: Sanyo M7755K mini boombox. Has cool features such as 4-band radio w/fine tuning, 6 speaker sound system (4 full-range and 2 tweeters) soft-touch cassette operation, loudness button, etc. In very good condition and has been tested with batteries. Speakers are detachable and unit has typical in/out connections along with mic. connections on back. $70 obo plus shipping.
I have that model and I can say it is a nice box. It is especially nicer if you buy it from Doity!

Those tweeters are real? Looks like there's no room behind them to be wired up.
And nice Kenwood.....I dig the VU's
That's why it's a mini.

I don't care if the're mics.
Skip can seal a deal faster than a slamin' screen door...