lav.loo - 2010-04-25 05:11
hi all, i have a nice philips d8614 stereo sound machine for trade.
the unit is in full working order and in good condition, no rot or rust, no dings, bangs, e.t.c.
just a few minor marks here and there, the unit sounds great and recording capabilities are excellent, lots of features, measurements are, 24 inch long, 10 inch high, and 5and half deep.
nice green twin l.e.d.s that turn red on recording level, (nice feature).
i want to trade this box as i have 2 of them, the pic in my avvy is the box i am talking about.
uk/europe interest only please, due to shipping cost. pm with offers please thanks

iv,e added a pic below but unfortunately it does,nt do the box much justice, the flash has spoiled the pic a bit, anyway here it is.
philips has now gone to andy v, cheers andy

Nice box, I love the VU meters on that one. Do they always work even when the radio is on, or do you need to hold the Record button down?
thanks reli, it,s a 3 way vu, signal strength for radio, record level, and it flashes to the music when playing a tape

and what a gorgeous sexy machine it is-dont i know it-ive now got one