im.out.of.hear - 2010-06-10 10:49
I've seen some ghetto's over the years but i Never seen one of these before..
"wow" thats a rare one

see after all these years and this hobby is still throwing new stuff at us

love it

yeah i really like this......i think i like it not predominantly for its looks but for its rareity............

Ive been looking for one for years, I know Turbosonic carries them in Japan, and tried to get one while I was there, but they had none at their storefront location.
or like germans say: Geiles Teil !

jameswp67, there is one of them at Yahoo now
im considering buying it myself-its a mitsubishi-they make gr8 cars so it must sound good-looks like a 1970s television set from the side though

Originally posted by andy v:
im considering buying it myself-its a mitsubishi-they make gr8 cars so it must sound good-looks like a 1970s television set from the side though
make good cars????? cough cough... everyone I know who has a mitsubishi has issues. I have a friend that is on his 2nd motor and his tranny just went out in his mitsubishi eclipse at 50k miles on the car.
transwave5000 - 2010-06-11 05:53
I dont think thats an 80's box.
Looks like it was made in the mid 70's.
Also where do the batteries go?
hey jason-i think the mitsubishi supercars have probs like the eclipse, etc however the 4x4s like the shogun etc are bulletproof-when i was in the car business i saw many a shogun come and go-including one that was about 12 years old-and had been round the clock 3 times-about 3 million miles

and let me tell you-it still looked,sounded and drove like it was brand new

Originally posted by transwave5000:
I dont think thats an 80's box.
Looks like it was made in the mid 70's.
Also where do the batteries go?
It is not boombox. It hasn't batteries at all.
It is home radio-cassette stereo system.
You thought it is boombox, because it has a handle.
Definitely 80's styling, not 70's.
The back of it, look`s like an old style telly.