autoreverser - 2010-06-28 00:11
folks, i had lists before off all those boomboxes i own, there's minimum 100 of those around here. since my first intention two years ago the list is still almost complete.
now it's time for them all to go (i sold my house...).
i'm not gonna let'em go for nothing, but won't rip anybody off, there's gems and there's blenders, top-working and jumkers...
please do NOT bother to ask me for single-units, as i am not starting to dig out this one and that one... long members do know what i have.
i am located in central germany, bring a van and some bucks, the lot goes for € 999,-
(includes f.ex. many sharps: GF-8080, 8989, 9797, 9191, 9292, also aiwa TPR-454, CFS-88L, some huge grundigs, sanwa's, toshiba, panasonic, hitachi, siemens, universum, telefunken and and and...)
contact me via pm, i'll not post here untill the stuff has gone
I doubt someone will just come to your place with a spare €1,000 for a load of boxes that they probably don't even want.
Another problem is, people ARE going to ask for this one and that one, you should know that almost everyone on here has a 'wants' list, including myself.
Where do you expect people to put 100 boxes, on top of what they already have?
Of the 100 boxes you are trying to sell, it is extremely likely that some people already have at least one of the models you are offering, and have no interest in owning another.
Also, why not just post a list of what you have? It's a bit unfair to expect people to look through the forum archives trying to find lists of boxes that you own.
Anyway, good luck with the sale.
Having a bad day Retro Addict?
I think it is a sensible reply from RA, unfeasible sale.
im.out.of.hear - 2010-06-28 12:31
her's a link,could be to some or all of his collection ? you have to stroll down a bit,and to see any pics you got to look on page 2
Thanks gman, certainly a lot of boxes but way too many for one job lot, it would be a mission and a half.
Originally posted by agentorange:
Having a bad day Retro Addict?
Not at all, Agent!

I think it just had to be said!

Sorry if I seemed a bit harsh.
R.A, if u pay my fuel i'll bring'em to u...
Originally posted by autoreverser:
R.A, if u pay my fuel i'll bring'em to u...
No thanks, I have far too many boxes as it is...
Originally posted by Retro Addict:
I doubt someone will just come to your place with a spare €1,000 for a load of boxes that they probably don't even want.
Another problem is, people ARE going to ask for this one and that one, you should know that almost everyone on here has a 'wants' list, including myself.
Where do you expect people to put 100 boxes, on top of what they already have?
Of the 100 boxes you are trying to sell, it is extremely likely that some people already have at least one of the models you are offering, and have no interest in owning another.
Also, why not just post a list of what you have? It's a bit unfair to expect people to look through the forum archives trying to find lists of boxes that you own.
Anyway, good luck with the sale.
Agreed, plus you are just going to get gypped if you sell all of them to one person. Can you really afford to do that? You would probably get 4-5 times as much money by selling them individually.
agree - 100% !!!
seriously, thought this way i also don't have to pack & wrap & make sure not to damage etc. etc....
there's been a few people interested but the one doesn't have the money, the other one got no space...
off course i can carry'em all up into the ceiling of my new place, but i thought it'll be better for the boxes to go to somebody who loves'em than beeing covered from dust under a ceiling, suffering from heat in summer or frost in winter...
if i'd know a place where to make a "boombox-bootsale" i'd go there with a filled up van (...and fair prices !)
...any ideas ?
i am in the middle of germany, for something like that i'd be prepared to travel a few 100 k's...
Grundig RR 900
Maximal 8800
Grundig RR1140 prof.
Sharp GF-6161
Music Air Country Stereo
Telefunken Bajazzo CR8000
Siemens Club 706 deLuxe
Sanwa 7065-A
Sony CFS-88 L
Watson 572
Sharp GF-5454
Universum Senator
Uher Powerport 100
Grundig RR 455
Sharp GF-555
Sanwa 7050-A
Rubin De Luxe
Santo 570
Sharp GF-6060
Siemens Club 716
Grundig RR 350-C
Sony CFS-250 L
Studio Music Master
Philips 22AR510/00
Sony CF 515-S
Philips 774
Minerva RKS 620
Siemens Club 782
Grundig RR 621
Genf 2, Modell 117
Ultrasound RRST 980
Crown Studio Prof.GT
Vinix VPC 6704
Sharp GF-4949
Tonstar 1028
Conic StereoRadioRecorder
Sharp GF-4646
Panasonic RX-FM27L
Universum CTR 2303
HGS-RRS 4004
Phihlips D 8054
Watson Mod.556
JVC 3060 EU
ITT Weekend Stereo110
Sharp GF-8080
Maximal 8200
Tensai RTC 8310
Telefunken RT 750
Tensai RCR 3431 S
Universum Mod???
TEC 811 RR
Siemens RM840 Sup.Woofer
Hitachi TRK7620-E (3D7)
Hitachi TRK 3D75 E
SEG SWF-3500 Sup.Woofer
Loewe RS-2000
ITT Touring Stereo
Sharp GF-9797
Crown (E?)CSC 850
Conic, Mod???
Grundig RR 1040 Prof.
Minerva MKS 20
Minerva RKG 600
Sanyo M 9811
Palladium 879/762NA
ICE 2456
JVC 9475 LS
Saba RCR 756
Panasonic RX-FW 39L
Sanyo M 4500 KE
National Panasonic 5410
Toshiba RT-130S
Panasonic RX-C 52L
ICS STR-5091
Sharp GX-250
Audiosonic TBS 9100
Sharp GF-7300
Sharp GF-454
Intercord SRC 2414
Varesa RR 5645
Uher Powerport 140
Contec 8822
Sony CFD-5
Universum Supersound 16000
Sharp GF-8585
Sharp GF-9191
Ecco EC 1490
Sharp GF-6363
Music Machine
Sanyo M-S350LE
Universum CTR 4065
Sanyo M 7780 L
Unisef StereoMiniHifiCass.
Sony CFS 88L
Aiwa TPR-600
...there's some nice more that i haven't listed yet...
Hello ! I have the same problem with you!Thanks for your sharing!
boxes are sold. moderator, please close topic, thanks !
congrats! Awesome!!