superduper - 2010-05-30 03:52
SANYO (one before last picture) - how much you are sell and how much ship to Israel?
Thanks in advance,
Check your PM Igor.
stormin normin is a terrific member to buy boxes from.
how much to ship to oakland

For Oakland Sin, I think I can throw it over the fence to you.

hi storm norm - what price you got on the pink panny and to uk ?
cheers B

Originally posted by BENDYCAT:
hi storm norm - what price you got on the pink panny and to uk ?
cheers B
Price is not the issue Bendy.... USPS is quoting me $46 just for shipping to UK.

A few more:
RX-CS-780. Last analog tuner in the Multi-Amped (bi-amp) Platinum Series. If you never heard one, then you don't know what you're missing. The cheapest bang for the buck period. Asking $59 or offer
Another RX-CS-780. asking $69. The difference is that the one above has a tiny sliver of plastic chipped in an inconspicous location on the edge of left speaker seam.
Here is another terrific Sanyo Mini. This is a really great sounding box. $75 or Make offer on this one.
Piano gloss black, graphic equalizer, 6-driver speaker system, AMSS music search, line-in function switch, all in a mini size that belies it big sound -- what more can I say.
Anyone know what this is? Anyone care what it is? Anyone want one?
All I can tell you is that this is one of the heaviest piece of gear I have. Put it this way -- If I threw the platinum panny at your car window, the boombox would probably shatter to pieces. IF I was actually strong enough to toss this Yamaha at your car window (I am not that strong), it would go through both windows on it's way to China. The rugged finish almost feels like it belongs in the military, it is solid (built like a brick house), has heatsinks on the rear looks sufficient enough to cool a dynamo and has sound to match. High quality construction, dual cassettes, CD player and floating speakers on spring perches to eliminate any mounting induced vibration. All the doodads and gizmos. Yamaha did a great job on this one. Got this from the original owner who didn't use it much at all.
Make offers on this one, if you are interested.
Similar looking one here:
Similar eBay Unit According to this auction, was initially valued at $1100. Prolly true seeing the quality.
Here's Mine.
interesting yamy norm
Originally posted by davebush:
interesting yamy norm
It almost feels like it's filled with gold bars !
im.out.of.hear - 2010-05-31 16:03
Actually i think the yamaha's are rather rare,i had the same one years ago,but no speakers to it,every one i've ever seen in uk have the speakers missing,so thats why i say its rare (because its complete)
Shame the yammy is not a portable unit but nice.
There comes a point, when a box is powerful enough, that batteries no longer become an option as battery life is virtually non-existent. But hey, it has handles.

Actually (2) handles since it's so heavy!

The JVC 770 has sold.
Originally posted by Stormin Normin:
Originally posted by BENDYCAT:
hi storm norm - what price you got on the pink panny and to uk ?
cheers B
Price is not the issue Bendy.... USPS is quoting me $46 just for shipping to UK.
I'm still crying - i want a bit of pink
the panny's are so bass creamy - pure porn for the ears

Stormin Normin!
I'm got email today morning that was sent from: Dave U.Random []
with next content:
Igor, I've realised you are a scammer and reported you to the moderation panel on stereo2go.
Hopefully a ban will result.
I will not sell you any boxes and recommend other members follow suit.
Norman Seeburg (Stormin Norman)
Can you explain for all of us what's matter?
Haha. Igor, THAT email was not sent from me. It was sent by a crazy, psychotic, immature, former member that stalks these forums and harasses members that posts their true email addresses here. If your email is in your signature or profile pages, it was probaby found and you were contacted that way. ONLY PM's sent through the S2G interface by actual members here should be trusted. As you can tell (check my emails I sent to you), the guy even got my last name wrong -- not even close. Relax Igor. Lots of members here got those disturbing emails. Do a history search and you'll see many examples of such.
Uff... Good to know... thanks
im.out.of.hear - 2010-06-01 02:39
igor,norm is right,i've had plenty of emails from that idiot,i just find them amusing..
As MR-T did say in the A-TEAM,i pitty the fool

since i went in my profile and deleted my email address,i have'nt had one since..he is'nt even bright enough to remember my email..he's just a little a tic turd..

hes still a douche

Haha. Igor, THAT email was not sent from me. It was sent by a crazy, psychotic, immature, former member that stalks these forums and harasses members that posts their true email addresses here. If your email is in your signature or profile pages, it was probaby found and you were contacted that way. ONLY PM's sent through the S2G interface by actual members here should be trusted. As you can tell (check my emails I sent to you), the guy even got my last name wrong -- not even close. Relax Igor. Lots of members here got those disturbing emails. Do a history search and you'll see many examples of such.
¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸I refuse to be complicit in any recession!¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸,
Posts: 235 | Location: Sunny California, by the bay | Registered: Tue June 10 2008
I am new here, and yes put my email in a post too. then had an email claiming to be stormin norman calling me a leech with gettoman,s 2nd on that...
Now I know what going on! why do they waste there time..
sorry for the thread hi-jack stormin..
Originally posted by chichi:
Haha. Igor, THAT email was not sent from me. It was sent by a crazy, psychotic, immature, former member that stalks these forums and harasses members that posts their true email addresses here. If your email is in your signature or profile pages, it was probaby found and you were contacted that way. ONLY PM's sent through the S2G interface by actual members here should be trusted. As you can tell (check my emails I sent to you), the guy even got my last name wrong -- not even close. Relax Igor. Lots of members here got those disturbing emails. Do a history search and you'll see many examples of such.
¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸I refuse to be complicit in any recession!¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸,
Posts: 235 | Location: Sunny California, by the bay | Registered: Tue June 10 2008
I am new here, and yes put my email in a post too. then had an email claiming to be stormin norman calling me a leech with gettoman,s 2nd on that...
Now I know what going on! why do they waste there time..
sorry for the thread hi-jack stormin..
Hmm. Yes, DO take out your email addy from your public profile and your posts. Instead, give out your email in private PM's when you need to communicate outside the system. Otherwise, this psycho lurker/stalker will harvest your email and send these hit and run email bashes.
I feel left out as i never have had a pm from him

im.out.of.hear - 2010-06-02 18:05
bendy,you wont get a spoof email off the forum idiot,its because your email address is'nt shown in your profile,he used to email me until i shifted it,i have'nt had any since...
Originally posted by BENDYCAT:
I feel left out as i never have had a pm from him
If you are feeling lonely and want some one-way email trash bashing, go ahead and add your email to your posts and public profile.