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Still lookin for BoomBoxes...what do ya'll have?

wildbillo68 - 2010-09-24 07:12

What do ya'll have that hasn't sold already? I still want a sharp 777 (who doesn't) gotta be nyce though...too many are beat up... maybe a lasonic..same thing..gotta be nice. I want the loudest biggest obnoxious boombox..hahah maybe consider a M70..there OK too...what ya got?
I finally found a real nice
JVC-838JWII...awesome. I'm playin with the big boy's now hahaha
I'm gonna sell some things now too...I have a rare Emerson that's classy looking..almost mint. pretty loud too..looks like the sony 9998...and Sellin a Sharp 6363, Magnavox D-8344 that's mint! and all 3 amps still work so it's still loud. i find that some have not got power anymore..this one's great...and maybe my panasonic 5150 (ifin I find a big boom to replace it on the shelf)..it's mint too..and everything works. Can't find a flaw on it.

sinister - 2010-09-24 15:03

pictures are good

enskanker - 2010-10-06 13:40

My brain just exploded hahaha