im.out.of.hear - 2010-11-08 21:00
Hi Guys,Not Posting Much These Days But I Still Mooch The Bay Sometimes,Just Had To Post This Up Here... a Box In That State,That Price Is Nuts !!! Bet The Seller Is Laughing His Ass Off..
yes, i think i know why it went so high, rumors have it , is super rare, only like 3 in the usa including this one

, anyway never seen one in person, but this one looks in very bad shape.
only like 3 in the usa including this one
Alot $$$ for a bbx that they may never be able to get parts for

Only 3 in the USA? Eh, I kind of doubt that. Considering that it was in podunk Kentucky, and that the US was the biggest market for boomboxes, you can bet there are many more.
The cosmetics seemed in poor shape, not to mention the description is lacking any details. I really don't understand people who don't take the time to fully describe their item, or clean it up first. And get a cellphone that was made in the last 5 years, for crying out loud. His camera sucks.
Originally posted by Reli:
Only 3 in the USA? Eh, I kind of doubt that. Considering that it was in podunk Kentucky, and that the US was the biggest market for boomboxes, you can bet there are many more.
The cosmetics seemed in poor shape, not to mention the description is lacking any details. I really don't understand people who don't take the time to fully describe their item, or clean it up first. And get a cellphone that was made in the last 5 years, for crying out loud. His camera sucks.
Reli, you dont need to clean a radio or even have a nice camera, when there is people paying hundreds of dollars for beat up radios

But they would probably pay hundreds more, if there were better photos, full description, and clean condition.
Seriously.......I don't even bother with clowns who say things like "Radio works, tape player doesn't, sounds great".........Because I know I'd have to spend half an hour pulling more details out of him. Assuming he even answers my questions.
im.out.of.hear - 2010-11-09 09:01
I'm With You Guys,The Sun Will Burn Itself Out Before I Would Have Paid Anything Like That..
That Was a $50 Box In That State,And I Fully Agree With Badbill,There Is No Way That Box Is Ever Going To Be Clean And Complete !
Question,Where is He Going To Get a Battery Door From ??? Miracle ?? Magic ?
Not everyone uses batteries, or even takes their boxes outside. So it might be worth it as a style piece alone, seeing as how it is one of the best-looking boxes, and actually looks like a boombox, unlike many others I could mention. But this one looked like it was beat up, the tuner glass was yellow when it should have been clear. But maybe I am wrong and it was just the lighting, but that just shows that he could have gotten more money had he taken better photos. I mean seriously, even free cellphones have 5MP cameras nowdays. Plus, this guy has a business selling stuff on Ebay, and he can't be bothered to take good pictures? That's just retarded.
lets not go crazy over the pictures, or either he cleaned it or not, i know that it seems unthinkable that some one will pay over 1000 dollars for a radio in that condition. lets just laugh about it.

Well, if it was a box he always wanted, then no price is too high. I have seen people pay that much for M90's, and those boxes are not nearly as good-looking in my opinion.
In any case, if it was a member of this board, I'd like to see pics after it's all cleaned up

I think the rarity of this item is what pushed the price. the battery door is the same one used on an S90 so they can be found. The biggest problem I have is the lack of a description, for all I know it doesn't even power up. The seller admitted he NEVER tried it on batteries and one prong on the power cord connector is broken so someone could have just bought a $1300 paper weight.
Originally posted by Reli:
Well, if it was a box he always wanted, then no price is too high. I have seen people pay that much for M90's, and those boxes are not nearly as good-looking in my opinion.
In any case, if it was a member of this board, I'd like to see pics after it's all cleaned up
...the M90 may not look as good but the sound crushes the Bombeat 40...the S90 even sounds better. But the Bombeat 40 is a beautiful looking radio.
The S90 sounds better than the M90?
IMO the M90 looks way better.
Originally posted by Reli:
The S90 sounds better than the M90?
...oh no. The S90 sounds better than the Bombeat 40. The M90 is top dog amongst 1 piece radios...

Originally posted by mellymelsr:
I think the rarity of this item is what pushed the price. the battery door is the same one used on an S90 so they can be found. The biggest problem I have is the lack of a description, for all I know it doesn't even power up. The seller admitted he NEVER tried it on batteries and one prong on the power cord connector is broken so someone could have just bought a $1300 paper weight.
But the S90 is also a rare bird so with that it will be very difficult

Originally posted by mellymelsr:
Originally posted by Reli:
The S90 sounds better than the M90?
...oh no. The S90 sounds better than the Bombeat 40. The M90 is top dog amongst 1 piece radios...
I would like to hear how all 3 compare to my Crown best-sounding 1-piece
Ha ha. The good old bombeat 40. Great box. The m90 doesn`t crush it in sound, it can hold it`s own, with i`ts 8" woofers. Amazing though, it`s a big, empty box. Crazy.
By empty do you mean lightweight? If so, maybe its tuner or its tape deck are cheap.
The JVC rc838jw is the exact opposite......It's built like a tank, weighs about 17 lbs, and can pick up stations from China, yet it's got one of the weakest sound outputs.
It`s not lightweight, but, all the weight is in the front section, speakers, etc. The rest is featherweight. Cassette deck is very basic, but, it obviously has a good quality amp section to sound that good.
It's a fantastic looker, but as Hugo says, for that price I'd want it in the box & barely used
...& strapped to a powerboat

I have seen it and heard it in person and no way compares to a M90, Conion etc. Sounds as good as the 20/20 Rising! no better trust me!
It is a great looking box though and would love to have one just to put in the middle of all my boomers. I'll find one soon i'm sure. I'm on my way to Kentucy LOL.

Just show`s you, how one person`s hearing differs from another. To me, my bombeat 40 sounded as good as the m90.