billy.the.binman - 2011-01-17 10:26
i have these which im not likely to do much with in all honesty/ a trk 8290 and 3d80
i would keep the 8290 for a kitchen box but i have a nice one of those already.
the 8290 is complete - even the aerials are straight and with tips but it needs a clean. the FM radio works but the tape needs belts replacing. MW doesnt seem to work.
the 3d80 works but the surround button has gone awol. otherwise its fine but also needs a clean.
i try to keep my collection fairly minimal with only the best ones kept and the rest moved on.
so to summarise, the trk8290 is complete but needs a clean and belts doing for the tape to work properly.
the 3d80 needs a clean and a button if necessary.
both would benefit from switch cleaner what with them being controlled mostly with sliders.
looking for a trade or make an offer, theyre just sitting here unused otherwise which is a bit of a shame.
billy.the.binman - 2011-01-24 05:55
no one interested?? not expecting much from these im open to offers
im.out.of.hear - 2011-01-24 06:33
better off throwing them on ripbay andy..i aint looking for anymore boxes lad,if i got that 3d i'de rip the centre bass out and shove em in a different box..
hi ya mate the silver box at the top which one is that and what needs sorting as im intrested i live in birmingham uk let me know thanks daz
sorry ive just worked out which is what and the 8290 is the one in intrested in cheers daz
The Hitachi 8290 is a very good box.

not the best sounding box but sure is a looker, just like the 8190

hi ya billy you ask for an offer but i am completley lost with boomboxes on price as i have only recently started collecting pm with info cheers daz
billy.the.binman - 2011-01-25 05:23
hey well im unsure too, back in he day the trk used to go on ebay for £100+ it seemed regardless of condition, id expect around £50 for this one, the 3d80, i dunno but certainly less!
hi ya billy pm sent regarding the 8290 atb daz
hi ya billy give us the nod if still available cheers daz
billy.the.binman - 2011-01-30 14:27
hey man yeah still available, did you get my pm about postage?
billy.the.binman - 2011-02-06 05:08
right going on ebay if no more interest
billy.the.binman - 2011-02-13 16:49
billy.the.binman - 2011-03-01 16:05
ok due to idiot bidder and then the next winning bidder not contacting me or paying this is going to get second chance offered to the bidder that was 2nd in line/
but if anyone wants this at £50 let me know asap as i would rather sell on here - or will swap for a nice walkman! a sony wm101 would be nice or similar
billy.the.binman - 2011-03-01 16:06
its the trk8290 im talking about btw
I am interested, were are you located.. kent.
so that is a postal affair, but i am certainly interested in this set, if it is still up for grabs
billy.the.binman - 2011-03-08 14:09
well im in Brighton but often in Kent too
im ok for posting sure, the 3d80 has found a good home now, its just the trk to go so if you want it be quick as i will re list it soon, need the £$£$£!!!
Sorry man, the box i was looking at on ebay ended just before i checked here.. so i spent all my cash on that :/ thanks though. good luck with the sale.
billy.the.binman - 2011-03-13 14:50
the trk is now back on bay
buy now with offers!
Not the most sought after box, but these sound very good. I have one of these and sound great with a cd and mp3 player. I replaced the belts on my my unit and the tape play sounds wonderful too!!
jonathan.james.pfeiffer - 2011-03-27 20:01
I know I'm kinda late with this but I'd do $40 on the big one.