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my beloved sharp GF-999

blaster - 2009-02-20 19:13

Listing my 999 once again for anyone interested...


thanks all for your time...

blaster - 2009-03-04 09:13



- 2009-03-04 09:45

699.00 numerous times listed with no buyers, now 750.00, i don't understand your thinking here Confused don't get me wrong i hope you sell it but i think the price is going the wrong way.

blaster - 2009-03-04 10:01

hey auto for consideration i did some extensive repairing and replaced parts to make it work to near good working order again its why i raised it up and ebay fees are a killer for sellers these days...plus a 909 went close to that not long ago and this model is much much better than it..its an almost replica to the 1000...trust me i love this radio to the T...but unfortunately all i sell is my bread and butter especially at this time of age and hate to let it go......all the best ED

- 2009-03-04 13:36

i know what you mean about the fees (listing, final auction and paypal fees) ebay got all the hands in the cookie jar so to speak. Mad

kittmaster - 2009-03-04 13:43

I will never sell on ebay just for those reasons, they squeeze your tit 3 shades of purple........the bastards.

- 2009-03-04 20:34

i've picked up a couple hundred extra bucks selling some boxes locally using craigslist, no fees at all Big Grin probably not long until they will start charging as well Frown

blaster - 2009-03-07 02:23

re-listed once again,,,, Smile


johnnygto - 2009-03-07 08:04

Blaster- just a word of advice from my view point, show a pic of the crack and a few more pics of unit, I bet ya it sells then. People get nervous with only one pic to view.

Just try it and see what happens, good luck though! It is a beautiful box!

blaster - 2009-03-07 11:28

thanks J, i took your advise and posted up some more pics of it...hopefully it will help

blaster - 2009-04-23 12:01

re-listed for your consideration


blaster - 2009-04-25 00:53

ok, i decided to lower the price a bit huge loss for for me but need the cash...i just ordered some large bubble wrap because i ran out so thats on its way very soon
any takers id greatly appreciated...


blaster - 2009-04-25 12:51

am considering a good offer as well...pm if me interested