lamante - 2008-05-22 21:31
Hi Everyone,
I've finally given up my fantasies of fixing this beauty up, and posted it on eBay.
It is pretty much perfect cosmetically, with the exception of the speaker grills which seem to be losing their black paint in some spots.
It is also near perfect functionally, with the exception of one thing. The radio tuning knob recently became disconnected from the actual tuner, and no longer tunes. Has anyone had this problem before?
Here is the eBay auction number:
And the actual link: for looking,
Sold to guy in France, 61 bucks plus shipping...
Originally posted by lamante:
Sold to guy in France, 61 bucks plus shipping...
You did well there my friend.
These often go for less than this when 100% cosmetically & fully operational. It's one of the reasons I collect them