transamguy1977 - 2008-05-14 22:04
PM me your offers
Both Decks work but they run fast.
Radio works.
Complete aside from 1 missing cassette storage door
line in works.
unit is 220 v not selectable.
I use the DC input with a laptop power supply and it works fine like that. For those who want to use with 110v
Will consider trades for the following
1.Paladium (not sure of model#)
2.Sharp GF 1000
3.Telefunken studio 1 M
4. J1 Super Jumbo
Wow! Somebody better jump on it.

Endo, where are you bro? Just what you wanted.
masterblaster84 - 2008-05-14 22:30
Adam that makes two of these up for sale in Florida in the last two weeks. Where are the Wheelys on the West Coast? These boxes are so cool, just the sight of them makes smaller boxes run for cover.

Dear god I need one of those.
I fear the shipping to Australia is going to forever prohibit me from owning one until I win the lottery though.
Beautiful, beautiful blaster, I hope she goes to caring and appreciative home.

Very cool looking boomer you got there TA good luck on your man

I remember a few months ago of offers I made for 1 of these.
Oh well.

transamguy1977 - 2008-05-17 07:25
Decided I would also trade for a J1 superjumbo

I which I still had that J1 but I sold it last year sorry TA

Ah sweet!!!
These things are so massive!!!!
how much is the shipping to germany?
transamguy1977 - 2008-05-17 19:58
Probably guessing about $200. USD to Germany.
transamguy1977 - 2008-05-17 20:01
Common guys make offers!!!
Trades welcome.
Whatcha got?????
Tara wants a Discolite or another black boombox as its our only black one.
I thought this one was a must have???

Im surprised no one has jumped on it yet. I know I'd like another one. Kong X 2! Frank, try posting a short video of it in action. Maybe that would get people off the fence.
As tip-top as your gear is Frank I'm shocked someone hasn't snatched it up already !!
kid.sensation - 2008-05-18 02:58
well i would trade my J-1 for it, but shipping these beasts around the whole world is a bad idea..Even due save packing the transformer could break loose and destroy all the inner parts especially in the J-1

Im sure someone in the us will snatch this up

transamguy1977 - 2008-05-18 10:02
I got some nice cash offers and will be making my decision by next week wednesday. Thanks everyone for your interest
Are you into any Japanese imported radios?
transamguy1977 - 2008-05-20 20:32
Well done on your sale! I hope it goes to a good home.
Congrats on the sale homeboy...hope you got what you wanted !!
Originally posted by transamguy1977: