vladi123456 - 2008-05-05 22:11
Is it really THAT good? Or just another case of light insanity?
masterblaster84 - 2008-05-05 22:25
I was wondering the same thing. I'm not familiar with that box and wonder if it even holds batteries.

well i won this from him early last month...
SANYO BIGBEN M-X960K SUPERWOOFER boomboxits not that great as ALL as has ALL said that it would be ... James thinks ...
He ended the auction once for an offer like this from someone, now he figures its worth that much...

Aside from whatever the perceived value is, it's a beautiful boombox if its in good shape.
I still want one of them! not at that price but, OMG that is a fantastic looking and built box. I would be carefull though the foam around the square woofer...... would not be easy to replace when it rots. Ribbon tweeters,, ROCK I love ribbon speakers in general. ( that is why I got the carver amazing)
panasonic.fan - 2008-05-06 11:54
Originally posted by jameswp67:
He ended the auction once for an offer like this from someone, now he figures its worth that much...
Great point James.
A perfect example of how greedy users (here and on Ebay) ruin what would have been an interesting auction.
This happens all of the time.....
MasterBlaster84, there is a battery box that bolts
to the back of the tapedeck section. It takes 10 D cells.
I'm not sure if its included in this auction.
It looks like this.
That's the one. Mine uses the same case. But this thing eats batteries like Kobiyashi eats hot dogs.

I have a CK-5F with the same amp without the digital tuner. And as much as I like these...not worth a grand IMHO unless it's got all docs, the box, and it proof it's lived a priveledged life.

Starting to ask a k for 3 peicers, whatever next.
Based on the pictures the seller has provided,
the woofers do not look like originals.
I did pose the question to him regarding the condition of the woofs. If he answers correctly I may take a stab at it but not anywhere near what he's asking. Nice? Very. Worth the asking price? Uh-uh.

Some questions I posed, and have yet to hear back on...
Question 1 two days ago...
Dear terryallan10,
Can you post additional pics of the box. And what condition is the speaker surrounds?
Question 2 a day and a half ago...
Dear terryallan10,
Got another question for you...those woofers don't appear original. The originals have a cone in the center for mid-highs. Not trying to be pressing but I am very familiar with these units. Thanks!

I guess the second one wasn't in so much a proper question format but just wanted to see what he had to say. If it was a bad photo, replacements, yadda yadda...