transamguy1977 - 2009-01-28 20:17
wow -- nice one, TA

Super sweet exotica!!!
Beautiful TA good luck on selling this box I for one can say that this box is one to have!
Originally posted by ford93:
Beautiful TA good luck on selling this box I for one can say that this box is one to have!
I second that

Frank, I wish you the best on selling this beauty. If I hadn't hocked myself out already on a couple of others I'd been on this like white on rice!!!

Damn excellente' price too!

transamguy1977 - 2009-01-31 06:20
Thanks Freddie,
To be honest I was beginning to wonder if I was asking too much money.

Must be the economy I guess

Rocker, if the shipping wasn't diabolically brutal from the u.s to .au I'd be onto it in a second.
Good luck hombre.
Rock On.
Hows this grail measure out? It looks massive!
Dig those speaker caps. How does it sound compared to the Studio 1?
transamguy1977 - 2009-02-01 11:43
Unit measurements are
26 1/8 wide
center section is 7 5/8 deep
speakers are 6 3/4 deep
height with handle down is 10 1/4.
This is a Hi Fi box so the sound is really nice
with great presence, crisp highs and good bass.
It has a great sound like the Studio 1 but is not
as rich sounding. I think this is mostly due to cabinet materials because the inner components on both units are of the highest quality for a boom box.
transamguy1977 - 2009-02-07 20:13
Trades welcome.
Check PM.

This is still available?!
transamguy1977 - 2009-02-09 15:23
Sorry ,
The Telefunken is no longer available.
Jeff you are one day too late!!! I definitely would have traded for your beautiful Aiwa.
Skippy and I are trading as of last night for your old Marantz CRS-8000( man that thing is making its rounds)
Henrytai , you , skippy , transamguy. I hope theres not a reason no one wants to hold onto it.

Thats right! Hey... Im enjoying my other Marantz as I type this... Love them!
A day late again?! I guess it wasnt meant to be this time, maybe next!

Me too! I found out earlier as well and figured you'd schlep a Marantz onto T/A!

And apparently a whore of a Marantz as she really gets around!

I just wonder where Henry got the Marantz from?
It came to me from Hong Kong.... It would interesting to see if he found it in that 'Electronics District' that Arkay used to always haunt!
hey jeff --it might end up fine - that you missed the 800 --
because if all agree that the tele studio is the better of ALL those --
than - why not save a little $$ extra-
a wait a while for one of them

right ??