redbenjoe - 2008-04-13 18:38
ok - this one (IMHO) deserves a post --
in case any member does not know the 'how it sounds' part ---well here is the do-the-math analysis ::
its sounds about 93% as good as an M90 --
for about $700 less money --
so its a great box --(but the seller eats it)
masterblaster84 - 2008-04-13 19:19
I can attest to RBJ's claim, I love mine and it's staying with me. Very cool looks and good sound.
Look at my sig for more info on this beast. Oh and by the way they sound AWESOME!!!
It sounds amaizing I have the Nippon model in tan gold color not only is it beautiful to look at but it does sound very good.
Something must be wrong with mine.The highs are really flat.When dialling them up,I only notice a change at the end of the pots rotation at which point they sound like frying bacon
that is strange mine the highs are extreamly crisp especially on a cassette.