masterblaster84 - 2008-04-13 16:43
What's up with the C-100F's? All of the nice ones are listed by poor feedback sellers, sellers who we know as very questionable and or they don't take PayPal making the transaction risky. Even some of the junky ones are risky and questionable. Seems this is the box of choice to sell when your a Turd seller.
Look at it this way MB. Take away all the members of this site. he 4000 or so. Since only about .5 of a percent regularly post, figure the rest lurk to get info. Some don't look at all. Now consider some out there who really want one who don't really collect and don't know better. There's the target audience and why they will sell. Someone, unfortunately, will be a victim.

oops my lurking finger slipped on the mouse then my fingers typed this ...
This guy is offering an actual return policy. Don't see sellers offering refund options regularly. Is this seller shady?
masterblaster84 - 2008-04-13 18:12
Well Adam the seller might not be shady by term but sending $875 via money order to Canada seems like a big risk to me.
I agree MB.Looks like a nice Clairetone tho. Dam it might be worth it to pick it up, if you are a little crazy about boomboxes and want to drive that far.
Ya Don - I hear ya - I could risk sending maybe a hundred dollars or so via money order, but sending almost $900 - when there's only $200 in buyer protection - thanks, but no, thanks....
masterblaster84 - 2008-04-14 12:12
Yep, I don't want any box bad enough to toss $900 out the window.

I emailed the seller last night about the Paypal logo in his auction and my concern about sending $900 via Money Order and he hasn't responded yet.