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redbenjoe - 2008-04-09 19:16

i want a member to get one of these -- just so you can tell all how great they sound .

its a medium size ONE piece box with great looks and excellent performance- -24 x 10 x 6

and a cool mono-stereo-wide dial to give continuously variable control .

i have TWO (other is AKA Magnavox)
THIS one came all the way here from the former King of France -- Bredgeo --

it all works perfectly - except the deck keys are touchy -ie you often have to double press them -
but the record, play etc are excellent

has line-in , loudness, bass and treble and a very strong tuner --

please send a PM with best offer during the next 5 days--
s/h will be $45 and includes insured UPS ground with double box

oldskool69 - 2008-04-09 20:37

Redbandanna...check PM! Smile

redbenjoe - 2008-04-09 20:38

NO Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud

redbenjoe - 2008-04-09 21:02

I Agree

--did you see that oldskool may be in ?--
except when he realizes in only a ONE PIECE box ---

he wont know how to operate it Laugh Out Loud

oldskool69 - 2008-04-09 21:39

If I go for it I may not be able to operate at all PERIOD! Wife is all over my case. Something about only keeping 20 boxes. Well, I've passed that benchmark! Laugh Out Loud

oldskool69 - 2008-04-09 21:49

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
no problem --
just unload your useless silver CP-7 Smile

I'll be glad to unload it, for half of your collection...my choice...AND....

THE VINIX! Laugh Out Loud

oldskool69 - 2008-04-09 22:01

Is that a chunk of the right foot I see missing? Smile

redbenjoe - 2008-04-09 22:09

i dont know (probably)-- its in a storage place -- will check it tomorrow --the first time i noticed it - was in these pictures Smile !!!!

btw - this sounds 22 times better than my VINIX

redbenjoe - 2008-04-10 19:58

found the two perfect fitting pieces that go to the right front foot --so nothing is missing -- scotch taped then in place - just for these photos -
("easy fix" Laugh Out Loud) ---the box is otherwise MINT--

also re-discovered that the speakers are beautiful OEM BLUE --

anyway -- suggest that someone gets serious about buying this rare super box ::

redbenjoe - 2008-04-10 20:12

well thanks oldskool --and in return --
consider this YOUR courtesy bump -- to bump up your offer ---CONSIDERABLY !!! Smile
like check out the 3 new pix --

oldskool69 - 2008-04-10 20:18

Well, I can see your point. Especially since your including scotch tape!Laugh Out Loud Right now I'm worried about the bumps on my head from the missus if I do though.Laugh Out Loud

erniejade - 2008-04-10 20:39

that thing realy sounds that good? most magiies or phillips stuff i have heard did not sound so good

Is this the one with the 2 motor deck?

erniejade - 2008-04-10 20:41

is that a true 3 way speaker also?

redbenjoe - 2008-04-10 20:44

erniejade -- i dont know if it has a 2 motor deck --
without taking it apart -- is there some place to get the specs ?

maybe some other lucky member know about this --
i would guess that james67 of canada has a few

erniejade - 2008-04-10 20:48

on the tape deck itself if it is the model i think it is... i will say like 2 motor ic logic or something like that.
I thought phillips had a deck that was a 2 or 3 motor unit

So honestly what does the sound compair to?

looks like a nice unit.

redbenjoe - 2008-04-10 20:58

it not 220 only -- BREDGEO changed it for me--
i have used it on 110 ONLY -- works great

---often -- droopy butts add comfort !

redbenjoe - 2008-04-10 21:12

hey - just realized -- we can PM BREDGEO for any specs -- it was his box !!

as far as the 'how it sounds part ' -- well if i did not have the AKA Magnavox -- it would be a sure keeper --

its got a real beautiful bass tone -- but its not the kind of box like an M70 --where you play with 'how loud it goes' Smile

vladi123456 - 2008-04-10 21:52

I also want to add - I've had several Philips boomboxes in the past, and I still have one, and it can take on any of my boxes - maybe except for M90 and BigBen.

redbenjoe - 2008-04-11 05:49

one more plug for the sound quality --

i never buy any box - without some s2g research ---and the only reason i went as far as importing this sucker from france --
is from prior readings of past posts -- exactly about the great sound quality --

of ALL the many philips models -- THIS one is supposed to be the BEST --

ok - heres is the NEW DEAL --since nobody seems to know about this model --then lets take some gamble out of any offers :::

if you get it -and dont agree that the sound makes it a KEEPER --

$$$money back (of course youre screwed on the freight Smile )

oldskool69 - 2008-04-13 17:05

Speaking of only getting a Happy Meal, has anyone offered you more than sesame seeds? Your five days are nearly up! Big Grin

redbenjoe - 2008-04-13 20:01

oldskool - kindly check your PM -

oldskool69 - 2008-04-13 20:40

Si! Big Grin

retro.addict - 2008-04-14 04:05

I have one of these D8634's, and I love the sound. It has plenty of clarity and loads of mean bass. The Stereo sound is incredible, very wide and impressive. With the loudness switched on, it sounds amazing. The sound is better than all my boxes including my GF-9000, except my GF-777 has even more booming bass (not surprizing as it's much much bigger than the Philips). The Philips is monsterously loud and I haven't yet been able to make the speakers distort (not that I want them to or anything). I use mine all the time. The deck is a 3-motor 'servo controlled' logic deck, absolutely great, the best deck I have. It records and plays brilliantly, again with amazing Stereo separation, clarity and bass. I have never heard a midsize box of this build quality sound as good as this does. Anyone who loves sound QUALITY in a fairly small, easy to carry package, they need to get one of these boxes. I also have a D8534, which is very good sounding too (but very different sounding to the D8634), but the bass is too low to sound really good (60hz), whereas the D8634 is perfect at 100hz. The D8534 and D8634 have the same handle moulding as each other, but the D8534's is grey and the D8634's is black. I have swapped the handles over as I believe the D8634 looks much better with the grey handle. That's it I think. Oh yes, the D8634 has a tape type selector and line out as well as line in. An excellent box overall. Smile

The D8634 with the normal black handle

My D8634 with the grey handle from the D8534

Size comparison...

oldskool69 - 2008-04-14 06:46

Wow! Thanks for the info Retro. Big Grin I may offer Ira a few ketchup packets as well after hearing this! Laugh Out Loud

redbenjoe - 2008-04-14 09:09

THANKS retro --agree 100%--

wish had 1/3 your credibility --
because i have been trying to convince these USA member dummies (no offense Smile) all week about how good this model sounds -

but --nobody believed it ---

so now - i end up trading it for a warm beer and stale chips to some newbee on a lay-a-way program

........next time i offer a box on this site --
please consult with RETRO for the appraisal Smile

panasonic.fan - 2008-04-14 11:11

Did it sell?

redbenjoe - 2008-04-14 11:15

PF - it did sell---
buts it was to a member that you will soon banish Laugh Out Loud

panasonic.fan - 2008-04-14 16:12

Good, glad to hear it.