- 2008-04-09 07:07
??? It looks good, but it isn't NIB.
NIB...perhaps them thinkin' 'Now in Box'
masterblaster84 - 2008-04-09 07:59
Originally posted by enskanker:
NIB...perhaps them thinkin' 'Now in Box'

Sounds about right! New In Box is a real stretch on this one.

Wait to you see the NIB Conion I'll be listing soon and posting soon MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYummy!

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-09 09:07
Sounds Yummy LL! - 2008-04-09 12:40
Originally posted by L LOPEZ:

Wait to you see the NIB Conion I'll be listing soon and posting soon MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYummy!
C'mon now, you have to tell us what's missing

Well I don't thimk I should say what is needs to operate 100% - 2008-04-09 13:26
So you agree that it isn't actually NIB..... it's missing more than the power cord.

Yes I admit it it needs more than just the cord :leave
jaredscottfla - 2008-04-09 18:02

nice box,very underated love mine,but i pd $10

Wow I paid $50.00 for a NIB Conion C100F with the original cassette sticker card board sticker that goes in the right speaker grill original operational manual and all guaranteed paper that came with it

Originally posted by Jaredscottfla:

nice box,very underated love mine,but i pd $10
You paid $9.88 more than I did for mine!

Now that's steal man!
jaredscottfla - 2008-04-09 21:17
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
It was a special vladi sale Ira!
vladi 12 Cent Sale
masterblaster84 - 2008-04-09 21:30
Originally posted by oldskool69:
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
It was a special vladi sale Ira!
vladi 12 Cent Sale
I miss those Vladi 12 cent sales. I thought he was overcharging at the time so I didn't buy, turns out 12 cents is a good price.

ok - thanks - i remember now --
how vladi was attempting to beat you guys out of 12 cents - 2008-04-10 10:55
So anyways, back on topic..... when are you going to change the description and price on this? I bought all 6 (3VG+/3 mint with box) RX-C41/45/46 models on Ebay for less than what you're asking for one.
Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
So anyways, back on topic..... when are you going to change the description and price on this? I bought all 6 (3VG+/3 mint with box) RX-C41/45/46 models on Ebay for less than what you're asking for one.
We never left the topic. (OK. I didn't.)

Panafan is right. The BIN is nearly double+++ what you could get it new for. And it is a very good, solid box, but not that good for what's being asked IMHO. That's why I posted my 12 cent sale link. Not to say it's worth only that, but that even at 10/10 looks and function, and mine was 9/10 (really closer to 10/10), it's too much at that bin.

always one to try an avoid an argument --and PLEASE nobody get offended by a differing post --
i want to politely suggest that this whole thread seems unfair to member Lopez --
for me -- i hate MINT or NIB stuff -- as it most always means an $$expensive box that i cant freely use or carelessly enjoy --
but some members may collect --not to blast their blasters --
but instead for the quality, 'newness' and for the museum element --
so--- just in case this may be one of the last remaining C45s on the planet , in this perfect condition --
then what is the value of knocking both the seller and any buyer who might be thrilled to get it ??

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
i want to politely suggest that this whole thread seems unfair to member Lopez...
...then what is the value of knocking both the seller and any buyer who might be thrilled to get it ??
I think what Panafan is saying (and he'll correct me if I'm wrong) and I agree with, is that the for the price it will be a hard sell. I would suspect on this site anyway. These have proliferated quite a bit in the last year on eBay, Craigslist, and even Goodwill's bidding site. It was not Panasonics' best effort, not a bad box, but not their best effort. So if they aren't hard to find, even with a box, why would someone, especially within our group, pay that much?
A little research by anyone will reveal that this is overpriced. This is not to knock Lopez. Just giving some advice. Now if he can have somebody buying it at that price, more power to him. I just don't see it happening. And most people who buy these things in this day and age do their homework. There may be one who doesn't however...

And no it's not new in's
Back in
ok - no problem ----
hey - btw the little panny C50 model is like such a gem --its PRICELESS !! --
but then - i always see them go SO cheap on ebay --
so i cant even get any judgement going about this whole series - 2008-04-11 09:27
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
always one to try an avoid an argument --and PLEASE nobody get offended by a differing post --
i want to politely suggest that this whole thread seems unfair to member Lopez --
for me -- i hate MINT or NIB stuff -- as it most always means an $$expensive box that i cant freely use or carelessly enjoy --
but some members may collect --not to blast their blasters --
but instead for the quality, 'newness' and for the museum element --
so--- just in case this may be one of the last remaining C45s on the planet , in this perfect condition --
then what is the value of knocking both the seller and any buyer who might be thrilled to get it ??
L Lopez, I am not trying to single you out on this auction. It's simply not what you describe the item to be. I'd love to see a true NIB C45, had it actually been complete/NIB/sealed, I would have put the first bid on it.
But..... sadly it is not. This thread is entirely fair, for all to be informed when an item is very much "not as described".
masterblaster84 - 2008-04-11 09:49
I agree PF.

If someone makes a claim that is not accurate then it is fair to post about it.
- i also agree with PF and MB if there is a listing error --
but my comment had ONLY to do with the asking price --
as i hope both you guys agree that s2g members should not knock what a member/seller hopes his boxes are worth
masterblaster84 - 2008-04-11 13:11
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
- i also agree with PF and MB if there is a listing error --
but my comment had ONLY to do with the asking price --
as i hope both you guys agree that s2g members should not knock what a member/seller hopes his boxes are worth

No need to knock member pricing, everybody is free to ask what they want. If the price is rediculous the box won't sell but that is the sellers choice. The value of any box is what you can sell it for, the asking price has no bearing except that the seller may never sell the box.

MB ,and i have LOTS of proof

masterblaster84 - 2008-04-11 13:38
Originally posted by redbenjoe:

MB ,and i have LOTS of proof

If you used Vladi pricing you would never have a problem selling any box.
Speaking of Vladi, haven't seen much of him lately. I wonder if he's found another honey?

no honey for vladi -
instead, he has been in non-stop summit conferences with his team of accountants --
they are jointly proposing that vladi embarks on a major s2g scam --
resulting in a series of 19 cent boxes

Hey Don - I can't believe you still remember my 15 cent sales
Ya, I just haven't had any major news to report lately.... And as far as honeys - there's a very good looking 20 year old blonde at my local Starbucks who OFTEN sends me beautiful smiles and gives me free coffee - maybe she's trying to tell me something....but she's just so young - I don't know if I should try to understand what it is she's trying to say

How have you been? I see your signature is still the same - despite the recent flood of Conions and BigBens??

Ira, no scams this time - my accountants have advised me that if I REALLY want the red sports car for my b-day - I should start applying for that part time weekend job at *Baby Dolls" - they said a little stripping on a side would help my budget a whole lot - 2008-04-12 02:25
Originally posted by MasterBlaster84:
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
- i also agree with PF and MB if there is a listing error --
but my comment had ONLY to do with the asking price --
as i hope both you guys agree that s2g members should not knock what a member/seller hopes his boxes are worth

No need to knock member pricing, everybody is free to ask what they want. If the price is rediculous the box won't sell but that is the sellers choice. The value of any box is what you can sell it for, the asking price has no bearing except that the seller may never sell the box.
And just as anyone is free to ask whatever they want, anyone else is free to laugh at the asking price..... and Ira's babbling commentary, but not necessarily in that order.

PF and oldskool --
it should come as no surpise, how thankful i am for your daily and continued support