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kid.sensation - 2008-03-20 13:13

Ok..weeks and months of ebay.de-scanning passed by and i think that the following is kinda weird and interesting.

There is a seller called lilasonne888.

Nothing special about that until now

This guy is selling boomboxes since months..every week 3 or 4 new boxes.

I guess this person must have an AWESOME collection or simply some good hunting grounds.

Sure enough, there are a lot of desired boxes, some "grails" and a lot of classics..Also unuasal kinds and also transistor-radios.

Anyone ever noticed that or can come up with some info or any thoughts?

The actual 4 sale-list:


- 2008-03-20 13:21

One things for sure. That guy has some really clean items

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-20 14:09

I purchased a Sharp from that seller but often wondered where they get all of these really nice boxes from. My Sharp was nearly mint but packaging was only moderate, shipping damage is a definite possibility. That's all I know about this seller, anybody else have more information?