vladi123456 - 2008-03-12 21:42
Ok, first of all, this has been already posted in another thread, but I thought it would be a good idea to start a new thread - mainly because the guy claims to be an original owner with a receipt, and then he says it's 100V only - how come? I thought all M90s in USA were M90JW - with voltage selector? Or am I wrong? And only one picture? Hmmmmmmmm
masterblaster84 - 2008-03-12 22:23
Yep, I caught all of that as well and it didn't make sense to me.

Unless this guy lived in Japan 25 years ago.
Just a thought but sometimes guys in the army buy a boombox when they are stationed in another country.
Originally posted by BEAST69:
Just a thought but sometimes guys in the army buy a boombox when they are stationed in another country.
Still doesn't make sense. Either this is a Victor (Japanese issue), with 100v. AC and two-band AM/FM tuner, or it's a JVC, in which case it would be multi-band (with SW), be made for sale somewhere else in the world (besides Japan), would have a suffix (W, JW, C, etc.), and would have voltage other than 100v.
My theory: for the second paragraph, the seller seems to have lifted one of Peppin's item descriptions word-for-word, without considering the content. If you can find a Peppin listing, compare the two. The language is the same ("support up to 108Mhz," "NO voltage selector," "All knobs and buttons are intact"). The only reason a seller would point out that the tuner goes up to 108Mhz is if he were selling a Japan domestic unit (which Peppin almost always does), because the tuners on most Japan domestic units only go from 76-90 Mhz. (That's their FM radio band. Some units go up to 108Mhz as a courtesy to travelers who might carry the units out of the country.)
So, my thinking is that this JVC M90 is probably for real (sounds like it has a boatload of problems, tho), probably is an international unit, and the seller may well have the original receipt, but he's using (at least partially) Peppin's item description for a Victor (Japan-domestic) unit. Therein lies the confusion.

baby boomer - good theory - i couldn't stop wondering how it could be 100V unit if it's not Victor. But ya - *borrowing* someone else's description without even reading it can do that. from now on - i might start including in my listings something like *comes with a free blow up girl*, and then see if we can catch any *copy-pasters*

but ya, this box seems to be in a really bad shape - I would be very surprised if it sells for the asking price
Yes babyboomer has a good point and i would be interested in that blow-up girl! Is she the rare motorized vocal french version? Could you put a buy-it-now on her of say $1500 plus shipping??
Originally posted by vladi123456:
baby boomer - good theory - i couldn't stop wondering how it could be 100V unit if it's not Victor. But ya - *borrowing* someone else's description without even reading it can do that. from now on - i might start including in my listings something like *comes with a free blow up girl*, and then see if we can catch any *copy-pasters*

but ya, this box seems to be in a really bad shape - I would be very surprised if it sells for the asking price
panasonic.fan - 2008-03-13 08:22
Stop posting off-topic in this thread.
Sorry i only meant that i would be interested if she was included with the JVC M90

Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
Stop posting off-topic in this thread.
man i miss my M90 (i have owned 2) god it sucks being broke, i can't save anything

autobot i thought you still had one?
Originally posted by autobot84:
man i miss my M90 (i have owned 2) god it sucks being broke, i can't save anything
Ship me your js 2000. The money can help

Originally posted by BEAST69:
Just a thought but sometimes guys in the army buy a boombox when they are stationed in another country.
As a former military brat and service member I can tell you it would have been a waste for a service member to buy on the market back then as the economics wouldn't make sense. Most items when bought on the local economy would generally cost more when it came to electronics and such versus the post exchange.
The other thing is that for the service member would need a transformer to use it elsewhere and why bother with this when the post exchanges always sold "multi-voltage units".

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-13 17:46
I think baby boomer probably hit the nail on the head, this guy lifted the add from Peppinhk or someone selling the Victor version of the M90.
Would not pay $1,000.00 for this one it's got lots of issues.
i would pay 400 to 500 just to get it not a cent more.