skippy1969 - 2008-03-01 22:34
These are very nice and cool!
Akai PJ33
thanks skippy -
please check your pm about this model
Done and Done!

I thinks that I have one of these some where around here... Nope Mine is a Akai PJ-W55 Double Deck with most of the same features as this one ...
the pj33 sounds much better than the pj55 no offence, good luck to whomever wins.
thanks tim and skippy --
im in on this sucker -
specially if it jams !
That thing looks kinda cool

If someone here gets it? Post update on sound clarity and bass. Maybe I'll get 1 one day?

Originally posted by rimmer36:
the pj33 sounds much better than the pj55 no offence, good luck to whomever wins.
Have you have one of These to Make such a Qualified Statement ? no offence Noted :-)
I have both lad the pj33 is louder aswell due to it taking 9d's as aposed to the 55 that only takes 8d's.
looks like a keeper if it sounds real good

ramon the speakers are only 3"" but man it kicks it sounds better than this **** dt75 that im lisning to right now

jaredscottfla - 2008-03-03 16:40

i won't bid against u Ira,good luck hope u score it for a good price,i've wanted a pj33 for awhile,i think they are very

looking and sounding,i have the smaller and lighter pj-15 with the free angle speakers,and love that lil sucker!(Thanks To Skip!) If it wasn't Bill Payin' Time(Beginning of the Month,and if i saw this thread earlier i might have tried Given ya some competition,LOL!)

thanks jared --just dont get mad if you watch some zero feedback zippo bid a few thousand $$ at the end -- and we lose it !!
only a few hundred* dont have thousand's ?? left on CC !!
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
thanks jared --just dont get mad if you watch some zero feedback zippo bid a few thousand $$ at the end -- and we lose it !!
jaredscottfla - 2008-03-03 19:43
dm4u,u sniper!

Well All ends well in love and war for bbxs! Congrats nice box for a good price.
wooda, cooda , shooda been a $25 box !
Originally posted by Jaredscottfla:
dm4u,u sniper!

Well All ends well in love and war for bbxs! Congrats nice box for a good price.
For you, yes $25.00
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
wooda, cooda , shooda been a $25 box !
for me $88.00 W/shipping included
And now I will be able to compare it to the PJ55 that I have already C:My Documents2 Ebay stuff Paidz4 Feedback LeftAs Foward 2006 2100mhzNew Ebay Bid 06 Jan 06Won On EbayAKAI PJ-W55 Boombox
Date: 3/27/06 10:18:41 PM Central Standard Time 9701707527 RARE Vintage AKAI PJ-W55 Boombox Ghetto Blaster SW 1 $63.00 USD via USPS Parcel Post (includes any seller handling fees) : $17.61 USD US Insurance (optional) : -- Total: $80.61 USD
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
just dont get mad if you watch some zero feedback zippo bid a few thousand $$ at the end
This is the only Akai I've had my eye on lately... probably not something that zero feedback zippos care much about!
I have the all gray version of 33 and a 55. The 33 spanks the 55 hands down. For 3" woofers it sounds great! I still need to get the tape deck going on it. ... I think I have been saying that for about 5 years now.... LOL.
Subj: Re: Item #200203188299 - Notification of an Instant Payment Received from decentman4you (
Date: 3/11/08 6:23:24 PM Central Standard Time
From: (Luke)
Hi James,
The parcel wen tout today. Sorry about the delay, but we had a baby last week and have been very busy.
Cost ended up being $37 - prices are crazy for shipping! I'll absorb it.
The item # is xx xxx xxxx xx xxx at Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the unit.
this is not a thread hi-jack

i am asking any member if they have one for sale?
OOps excuse me :-)
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
this is not a thread hi-jack

i am asking any member if they have one for sale?
AKAI PJ-33FS from twocoaster
looks like the passive are not blown they just need to be refoamed.
Originally posted by erniejade:
looks like the passive are not blown they just need to be refoamed.
ok and does anybody know Anybody hmmm and
or Where that these Could be Refoamed?
See here inside the speaker picture
and then the actual basket and semi-plastic wafer Raditor ...
Size are ..
3.5 inch basket and 2.5 inch wafer thingy - Radiator
these are tiny ... can something this tiny be refoamed ?
100_3080 AKAI PJ-33FS back inside Speaker
100_3081 AKAI PJ-33FS Raditor & basket