- 2008-02-22 22:13
For a good cause......The seller is a member here. If anyone has bought from him before, please speak up for him here in this thread so folks can feel confident about bidding/winning it.
It is worth the cause I was in New York on 9/11 and watched the towers fall knowing that rescuers from Port Authority, NYPD, Paramedics and the FDNY were still in those towers as they fell. I won't be able to bid on the Fisher but I will send a contribution to help. I have friends from the Port Authority police and I lost contact with them I just hope they are not the fallen heroes of that tragic day. Thanks PF for showing support to these fine people.
Hey PF, try to have him pm me to get information so I could send a contribution. - 2008-02-23 09:13
I just sent him an email requesting that he come here to respond in the thread with whatever info can help you to make a donation.
It sure is a worthy cause i just bid $300 but the reserve hasnt been met.
Now $400 the reserve has been met.
rambo.estrada - 2008-02-24 01:17
I'm sure this is legit, but I remember some pretty sketchy stuff that sounded pretty similar in the past?
old threadI hope the text in the ebay auction is the truth, but it's kind of like the boy who cried wolf.
Boy Rambo, I REALLY hate to think that way too. I hope this is legit. But, sounds so similar. I was thinking about that very same post as well. Glad you located it for everyone to read and come to their own conclusions.
rambo.estrada - 2008-02-24 02:29
Yeah you know, I actually think this is legit, but the history does make me feel a little uneasy.
Ebay Question sent ....
Dear bklynboombox,
Whom is this person?
- decentman4you
It's a shame if this is true I hate to see stuff like this happening. No one should use this day as a reason for personal gain! Greed is the biggest sin for man and I get disgusted especially when peoples emotions are taken advantage of. I hope this is legit because I was really willing to make a donation and if it's not well thats not cool!!!

I think it is 100% legit or he would not have posted the phone numbers to contact for info.
"....Should you desire any additional information call 718-274-6162 FDNY/EMS Battalion 49 and ask the officer in charge how you can help or call 347-834-5409 and ask for Richie"
Originally posted by ford93:
It's a shame if this is true I hate to see stuff like this happening. No one should use this day as a reason for personal gain! Greed is the biggest sin for man and I get disgusted especially when peoples emotions are taken advantage of. I hope this is legit because I was really willing to make a donation and if it's not well thats not cool!!!
Guys let's cool it for now. Panafan sent an e-mail, there are contact numbers and it was noted that he is a member here. Let's not be hasty

to draw conclusions one way or another and let Panafan do his thing. Ford had a great idea in sending donations so if it is legit a fund should be set up at a bank which would verify information for charity. I certianly would hope that no one would use a tragic event for unscrupulous means.

First of all guys thanks for your support,Rambo not everyone is out to draw first blood as you say,in fact we are looking for blood donations as EMT Pierce has already been infused numerous times with blood.Rambo I believe you are a good guy with a good heart and i believe you and all of my fellow boombox collectors will pull through and be part of a good cause.Life is tough especially here in the streets of New York and yes this is a real life crisis that requires a dedicated and immediate response,I posted actual phone numbers,one of which is the phone number to his assigned Battalion(718-899-5416),Anyone who wants to help any way they can are encouraged to call the station where EMT: Pierce was assigned to,he is still hospitalized..We are also holding a Blood drive at FDNY/EMS Battalion 45 on Tuesday February 26 from 8AM-4PM.FDNY/EMS Battalion 45 is located in Queens,New York at the following address:5865 52nd road.I can be reached at 347-834-5409 ask for Richie.Thank You all so much and please feel free to call me or the Desk Liutenant at Battalion 45 at 718-899-5416.
Another note is I WILL NOT be collecting any cash personally,this will be handled at EMT Pierce's Battalion and it will be done under the Supervision of the Division Captain and or Chief,both of whom are high ranking officers in the Emergency Medical Services Division of the Fire Department of New York City.They have also been notified about my auction and the entire proceed amount will be given to EMT Pierce and his Family on behalf of myself and my fellow boombox collectors..Feel Free to stop by and help in any way you can and God Bless you all..
Thank you for the follow up bklynboombox. Glad to hear from you. My prayers are with EMT Pierce and his family. Many well wishes and positive vibes are being sent his way. I was a NREMT member too. Still a first responder. A selfless and heroic act he did. It's very kind of you to offer up your 492 for a greater cause. God Bless - 2008-02-25 13:25
And for all of you who joined on this bandwagon of doubt for no legitimate reason..... read up:
Here And here An Honored EMT.....
masterblaster84 - 2008-02-25 13:44
bklynboombox this is really a wonderful thing your doing. Thank you for explaining it so well, I'm sure you have removed the doubt and have prompted many prayers. I expect your words and information will earn a response greater than the sale of your 490k.
It's so easy for us to forget what goes on outside of what we see and live daily. I'm as guilty as the next person but it only takes a noble effort like yours to remind us of the prices paid by our heroes and the needs they have. As fellow citizens of the US and as human beings we all have a responsibility help them.
Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
And for all of you who joined on this bandwagon of doubt for no legitimate reason..... read up:
Here And here An Honored EMT.....
Outstanding work Panafan. That's exactly why I said we needed to cool it.
bklynboombox, the sacrifice of you radio is small compared to the heart you've shown your comrade. Life cannot be replaced, radios can. I am ex-military and know guys who were hurt and disabled vets and the suffering they go through as well as the families. Well done my friend, well done.

I am a Christian and help others everyday as part of my job and of my own free will,my only problem is i dont know how to download stuff onto the forum at stereo2go to back myself up..I am not as computer savvy as some of you guys..Please help any way you can..Tomorrow 2-26-08 is the blood drive at his station from 8AM until 4PM and monetary donations will be accepted as well and only by the Officers at the station,not me.The number again is 718-899-5416,the address is 5865 52nd Road in Queens,NY..Thanks so much....and i expect to be there tomorrow if any of you guys would like to meet me personally.... - 2008-02-25 18:00
Why did the auction get removed by Ebay?
masterblaster84 - 2008-02-25 18:20
Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
Why did the auction get removed by Ebay?
Oh that's just wrong, what happened?

jaredscottfla - 2008-02-25 22:37

wow.. That is DEF very weak on Ebay's part.
Geez they are getting to be a real pain inthe rear!

That's what i'm wondering.....

Originally posted by Panasonic Fan:
Why did the auction get removed by Ebay?
Maybe i was wrong here. Ebay does not cancel without a good reason.

Originally posted by BEAST69:
I think it is 100% legit or he would not have posted the phone numbers to contact for info.
"....Should you desire any additional information call 718-274-6162 FDNY/EMS Battalion 49 and ask the officer in charge how you can help or call 347-834-5409 and ask for Richie"
Originally posted by ford93:
It's a shame if this is true I hate to see stuff like this happening. No one should use this day as a reason for personal gain! Greed is the biggest sin for man and I get disgusted especially when peoples emotions are taken advantage of. I hope this is legit because I was really willing to make a donation and if it's not well thats not cool!!! - 2008-02-26 15:39
Originally posted by BEAST69:
Maybe i was wrong here. Ebay does not cancel without a good reason.
Can't say I agree with that..... I'd be willing to bet that someone complained about the references to FDNY in the auction, and it was probably by someone too ignorant to spend five minutes researching it to see that there were good intentions.
That's too bad, you never know who would have shown up to make a big contribution through the auction. I encouraged him to re-list it without talking about why he was selling it. Hopefully he will..... something is better than nothing to someone in need.
That could be.

My formal apologies to bklynboombox. You're a good man. Peace

It could also be that someone did actually call those phone numbers that he posted and they knew nothing about it.

Originally posted by BEAST69:
That could be.
masterblaster84 - 2008-02-26 20:28
Could be any of a number of reasons but I'll bet Panasonic Fan hit the nail on the head. There have been a lot of scams using similar stories so I'm sure it would only take one report to ebay for them to remove it.
hello as expected ebay removed the listing evn though i called them and gave them super sensitive information to see if they would ablige on this 1 occasion,well they did not...anyway in the coming days it will go back up as well as some other items,,,,,,thanks for all you positive guys who helped...
By the way ebay removed it because they strictly allow only 1 charity to collect from them and only them...i was so flattened and disheartened by their decision regardless of what i said.It is just their policy,no if's and's or butts about it..I will relist it and carefully word it and hopefully you guys can continue getting the word out and help,,,,718-899-5416 is Batallion 45 phone number(FDNY/EMS),call them ask how you can donate directly in the meantime,EMT Pierce really needs our help
Can I see pics of the item you may be re-listing?
Hey bklynboombox, can you keep us updated on his recovery from time to time?