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Superscope CRS-3504S for sale...

autoreverser - 2008-10-26 11:41

rightyright, first one of my 3-piecers to go...


feel free to ask me any questions about it !

skippy1969 - 2008-10-27 15:01

That a nice Superscope Marantz you have for sale Autoreverser. If I had the funds,I would be all over that. I have a similar model the PMS-3500. Good luck with your sale my friend.

redbenjoe - 2008-10-27 15:53

i also have the 3500 --its a KEEPER --
sell something else !!
(instead) Smile

- 2008-10-27 16:10

well i dont have one and I am watching this

as the shipping seems reasonable

USA/Kanada DHL-parcel insured € 42,--

we'll see Cool

autoreverser - 2008-10-27 23:18

...hey, this is the price for DHL... if you find out any cheaper way let me know !

i would love to know this baby in good hands !