geoffhartwell - 2008-10-06 06:20
someone should snap this one up, very cheap imho. i would but i just dont like it, i think the modle that dm4u recenty got is much better looking
geoffhartwell - 2008-10-06 07:14
well someone did, wounder if it was a member here
Damn that was cheap better looking than dm4u's imho.
masterblaster84 - 2008-10-06 13:31
Drat the luck, too late. That is a killer deal and I much prefer that model, I'm a VU kind of guy.

yes that was cheep but is it in as good of condition as the that I am getting?
price: EUR 39.00 bin
Radio casete de los años 80 muy grande AIWA, mucha potencia
Magnifico de música de los años 80, como los que hacían antes, pero a lo grande. Aiwa modelo 770.
Tiene un tamaño bastante grande, mas grande de lo normal, fíjate en la puerta del casete y compáralo con el total de la radio.
El aparato esta bien conservado en su conjunto, pero tiene bastantes roces en el plástico gris, sobretodo en los cantos y esquinas, le falta algunos botones, yo le he puesto otros que cumplen su función perfectamente, ver foto. A la antena también le falta un trocito, aunque la radio se escucha muy bien.
El casete no funciona, hay que repararlo.
La radio se escucha muy fuerte y con muy buenos bajos, ya que lleva un sistema DSL, mas o menos como ahora el sistema BASS., Parece una discoteca.
La radio tiene 4 bandas de música AM- FM- SW1-SW2.
can somebody translate what this says?
I can understand the first line james the cassette dosen't work.
what happening?

Radio cassette from the 80's very bigAiwa lots of power magnificant in music from the 80's like the way they used to make them big. Aiwa model 770. It is very big bigger than most boxes check out the cassette door andcompare it to the entire radio. The item has been very well taken care of in conjunction but it got plenty of nicks marks in thegray plastic especially in the conersit is missing a few buttons i have replace them with others that will serve its functions perfectlysee pics.The antenna is missing a piece even tho the radio redeption sound very good cassette does not work needs repair. Radio reception is very strong with good lows(bass)that being it carries a DSl system moe less like a bass sistem sounds like a disco floor. The radio has 4 bands ofmusic AM-FM-SW1-SW2.
Hope this helps DM4U.
thanks very much Miguel. I just needed to see if I had mae a good enough deal on the cs-770 aiwa bbx that I had won elsewhere, and specifically here the cassette dont work

thanks for theword for word translation

No problem man.