isolator42 - 2008-09-16 05:12 your collection, this one would represent the genre well:
3D88 on eBay UKDifficut to get more racket from 8 D-cells...

i used to have one of these. very kool box indeed
I used to have one there nothing special but still a nice box,
i still have mine it hold its own not a bad sounding box

Originally posted by rimmer36:
I used to have one there nothing special but still a nice box,
OK, none of the Hitachi 3Ds are top flight, but most of them fulfill the b-box ideal of "impressive sound that is portable". Not too heavy on the power consumption, compact design & can blast hard.
That's b-boxes...
Originally posted by isolator42:
Originally posted by rimmer36:
I used to have one there nothing special but still a nice box,
OK, none of the Hitachi 3Ds are top flight, but most of them fulfill the b-box ideal of "impressive sound that is portable". Not too heavy on the power consumption, compact design & can blast hard.
That's b-boxes...
thats why i still have mine they sound pretty good very simular to the pioneer sk-900 in size

I have mine as well it does sound good the bass it solid and perfect weight to carry around. Welcome to the 3D club.
Wow, that 3D88 went for £51 in the end.
Good ones often go for much less...
...especially if I keep my trap shut about them when I see them on eBay

Originally posted by isolator42:
Wow, that 3D88 went for £51 in the end.
Good ones often go for much less...
...especially if I keep my trap shut about them when I see them on eBay
Here is a 3D88 I bought for $63.00 back in August on US eBay, and it's in wonderful shape. The 88 in your listing went for the equivalent of $93.91, which isn't a
lot more, but it's definitely more. But then, mine was a BIN. Hard to say how high it would've gone if there had been bidding.
mine is here
already and it works great just the pause button is broke but does not affect operation except for the fact that you cant pause that one deck
yeh, there are more like the right price. Thanks for the info guys, & congrats for adding 3Ds to your collections

this 3D30 be a good representative... and worth a bid?
And... is it good enough to pay whatever postage is necessary to get it from the UK to the US?
In a word, no.
The 3D30 sounds nice enough, but thanks to the smaller centre woofer it's ability to blast loud isn't in the same league as the 3Ds with 1 or more of the 6" woofers.
Also, it was from a time when the build quality was downhill - it feels cheap when compared with many other 3Ds.
It's popularity is an old story: it was the cheapest in the range.
On the plus side it has some useful stuff proper Aux-in, 3 band EQ, twin tape, mic mixing, but really, you can do much better if you want a 3D in your collection.
Go for a 3D8, 3D80 or 3D88, none of which are rare.
If you want an ASW 3D (middle woofer hidden in a box, deeper bass but careful with the volume), get the 3D95, which is pretty rare.
If you want a CD player, go for the CXW800 or a CXW700 which are both rare.
I have a 3D30 of course (& all of the above), but my obsession with 3Ds is way out of control now

Thanks for all your great information! I did a "file print" of your reply and will keep an eye out for the 3D's you suggested that I don't already own.
If I were you, I wouldn't worry one bit about being "obsessed." You bring a wealth of knowledge to this board and are a great guide to those of us who only buy Hitachi 3D's on occasion.
The fact is, if it weren't for you and your postings about your collection, I probably wouldn't own any 3D's at all! But after reading your reviews on this board and seeing photos of your 3D's, I wouldn't consider my collection complete without at least a few examples of this unique box!
Thanks again!

totally !!
my 2 good hitachis of that series are 100% the results of these informative ISO posts --
thanks --
also --it would be great for this s2g site --if each active member were 'assigned' one line of one brand --so we all would have one 'go-to-guy' for any type of box information.
(my 2 cents)

also I recently won
this Hitachi with dual center subwoofers but I think that the larger single center woofer sound better.
What do You think?
yeah, the 3D5 is a strange, but good one.
It's like a stretched 3D2, with 2 woofers & 2 decks. Styled & featured like the later 3Ds (a bit rounded off, graphics like a 3D80/88, single volume control), but built like a first gen 3D.
Also it has 2 of the smaller woofers (as seen in the 3D2 & the 3D30). These perform better than a 3D30, but not as well as the 3Ds with one of the larger centre woofers (3D7, 3D8, 3D50, etc.).
Overall a nice b-box, especially if you find one with the analog FM presets. No, I haven't either (yet).
Well what would you all say if I told you I just found a brand new Hitachi 3d30 in box with everything?
What do you think that is worth.
I will be posting it up in classifieds tonight with pictures yet I don't know what it's worth.
let me know boombox gurus.
Is anyone interested in it?